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Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Division of Mining, Land and Water

Parcel Detail

S. Millennium Lp.

Parcel 496 - 1072

Acres: 10.11 Road Access Lot: 5 Block: 2

Case File

Veteran Discount

The State of Alaska offers qualified Alaska resident veterans a once-in-a-lifetime discount on the purchase of state land.

Estimated Veteran Price: $60,892.55


One Thousand Skies-Sunrise is located between milepost 136 and milepost 137 of the Glenn Hwy, approximately 48 miles west of Glennallen
Meridian Township Range Section (MTRS): C002N010W01

Access Details

Access is from the Glenn Hwy to S Millennium Loop, a gravel road which runs south through the subdivision. Parcel 1068 is accessed from E Sunup Dr, a gravel road. Parcels 1075 & 1076 are accessed via an undeveloped public access easement.


There is no municipal water supply or sewer system. Please see plat notes and the Sewer and Water section of this brochure for details. There are no utilities (electric, phone, internet, etc.) currently in this area.

Local Government

This area is within the boundary of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and is subject to applicable platting authority, local ordinances, and property assessments. Local ordinances may impose setbacks, easements, or restrictions in addition to those mentioned under Restrictions below.


This area is in the Full Fire Management Option. See the Wildland Fires and Burn Permits section of this brochure for details.


These parcels may contain wetlands. Purchasers must obtain permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers before developing any wetland areas. Floatplane access is not a viable option to the unnamed lakes, as they either are too small or too shallow.
Lot 1 of Block 2 is temporarily reserved as parking until subdivision roads are upgraded and accepted for maintenance.


Easements affecting these parcels, as depicted on the plat, may include, but are not limited to, utility easements. Information on restrictions, easements, reservations, and setbacks may be depicted on the plat, contained in the plat notes, or recorded separately. There is a 75ft building setback from all bodies of water and apparent wetlands, and a 50ft public access easement along water bodies. Legal access to all lots is via interior rights-of-way. No direct access to Glenn Hwy is allowed. Parcel 1070 has a 20ft drainage easement.

Survey and Appraisal

One Thousand Skies-Sunrise is survey ASLS 2018-11, located in Sections 1 and 12, Township 2 North, Range 10 West, Copper River Meridian. The survey has been recorded as plat 2020-7 in the Chitina Recording District.

Right-of-way Status

S Millennium Loop is a gravel road. E Sunup Dr is a partially constructed gravel road. Other rights-of-way within the subdivision are undeveloped.

Parcel Maps

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