0 land parcels are currently available for sale.
Glenn is located approximately 5 miles south of Tok, west of the Tok Cutoff Hwy.
Access Details
Access is from the Tok Cutoff Hwy., near mile 119.5. From the Tok Cutoff Hwy., turn west onto Butch Kuth Ave., north onto Hanus St., and west onto Wontorski Way. Wontorski Way is a pioneer road, accessible with a 4-wheel drive vehicle.
There is no municipal water supply or sewer system. Please see plat notes and the “Sewer and Water” section of this brochure for details. There are no utilities (electric, phone, internet, etc.) currently in this area.
Local Government
Glenn is located within the Unorganized Borough and subject to the State of Alaska platting authority.
This area is in the Critical Fire Management Option. See the “Wildland Fires and Burn Permits” section of this brochure for details.
Easements affecting these parcels, as depicted on the plat, may include, but are not limited to, utility easements. Information on restrictions, easements, reservations, and setbacks may be depicted on the plat, contained in the plat notes, or be recorded separately. There is a 10-ft utility easement along common interior lot lines, and a20-ft utility easement adjacent to rights-of-way.
Survey and Appraisal
Glenn is amended survey ASLS 81-205, located in Sections 2 and 11, Township 17 North, Range 12 East, Copper River Meridian. The survey has been recorded as plat 86-48 in the Fairbanks Recording District.
Right-of-way Status
Wontorski Way is a pioneer road. Butch Kuth Ave. and Hanus St. are gravel roads.