Shore Fishery Leasing Program
Welcome to the Shore Fishery Leasing Program
As manager of most of the state's tidelands out to the three-mile limit, the Department of Natural Resources issues shore fishery (setnet) leases. A shore fishery lease gives the leaseholder first priority to use a shore fishery site for commercial salmon setnet fishing on state-owned tidelands. This "first priority" applies only when the leaseholder is personally fishing the site.
Public Notice of 2023 New Shore Fishery Lease Applications and Maps
Public Notice of 2024 Shore Fishery Lease Extensions PDF
Moratorium on Shore Fishery Lease Applications - Nushagak Bay PDF
To apply for a shore fishery lease you must:
- have a valid limited entry permit or an interim-use salmon setnet permit.
- be citizen of the United States.
- be at least 18 years of age, or if under 18 years of age have a trustee appointed.
- stake your site within thirty days of filing your application.
- file an application between June 1 and October 15
- inlcude a non-refundable application fee