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Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Potters Marsh Boardwalk

Chugach State Park


Chugach /'tʃu:gætʃ/ [pronounced CHEW- gatch] is the tribal name for the indigenous people of the upper cook inlet region.

Chugach State Park is located in Southcentral Alaska mostly within the Municipality of Anchorage. The park contains approximately 495,000 acres of land and is one of the four largest state parks in the United States. Southcentral Alaska is an area of diverse land forms and rugged topography, bounded on the north and west by the Alaska Range, and on the east by the Chugach and Wrangell Mountains and Prince William Sound.

The region contains extensive ocean shoreline, abundant lakes, massive glaciers and ice fields. The park's westernmost boundary lies in the western foothills of the Chugach Mountain Range and is a mere seven miles to the east of downtown Anchorage. The park is further defined by the Knik Arm on the north, Turnagain Arm on the south, and Upper and Lower Lake George and Chugach National Forest on the east. Within minutes of the park are the communities of Palmer, Eagle River, Chugiak, Indian, Bird, Girdwood, the village of Eklutna, and Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

Reserveable Facilities

Eagle River Campground Group Camping Area
There is a group camping area within the Eagle River campground that is reservable online. Price is $150 per night.

Reserve the Group Camping Area

Eagle River Campground Tent Platforms
There are tent-only group camping platforms available for online reservation. Price is $35 per night.

Reserve the Tent Platform

Eagle River Campground Picnic Pavilion
There picnic pavilion available for online reservation. Price is $35 per night.

Reserve the Picnic Pavilion

Eklutna Lake Group Camping Areas A and B
There are 2 group camping areas, "A" and "B", which can be reserved separately or combined. 60 individuals per site are allowed with up to 20 vehicles. When reserving both areas "A" and "B", there is a 120 person limit with up to 40 vehicles. Area A contains 12 picnic tables and 12 fire rings, and area B contains 7 picnic tables and 7 fire rings; both areas share one latrine.

Stay Limit: Stay Limit: 12 noon on the first day reserved to 11 a.m. on the next day.

To Find It: From Glenn Highway, take Eklutna Exit at Mile 26. Turn toward mountains and follow park signs 10 miles up Eklutna Lake road to Eklutna campground and lake. Make a right on the first road past the fee booth. Map to site provided upon making reservations.

Fee: $150 per night + $2 transaction fee.

View Map

Make a reservation for Group Camping Area A
Make a reservation for Group Camping Area B

Eklutna Lake Canyon Group Camping Area
Large undeveloped gravel pit, large enough for 250 people and up to 40 vehicles. This site contains approximately 3 picnic tables and 3 fire rings, there is not a latrine. Arrangements for garbage and latrine service must be made separately by the individual reserving the group camping area.

Stay Limit: 12 noon on the first day reserved to 11 a.m. on the last day reserved.

To Find It: From Glenn Highway, take Eklutna Exit at Mile 26. Turn toward mountains and follow park signs 10 miles up Eklutna Lake road to Eklutna campground and lake. Map to site provided upon making reservations.

Fee: $250 per night + $5 transaction fee.

The Canyon Group site can be rented through special use permit by contacting the Chugach Office at (907) 345-5014.

Eklutna Lake Picnic Pavilion
Large covered picnic pavilion with 3 picnic tables and standing charcoal BBQ's , parking for 5 vehicles and nearby latrines. The maximum number of people allowed for this picnic pavilion is 25 people.

Stay Limit: No limit, but day use only-in morning/afternoon time blocks.

To Find It: From Glenn Highway, take Eklutna Exit at Mile 26. Turn toward mountains and follow park signs 10 miles up Eklutna Lake road to Eklutna campground and lake.

Fee: $30 per time block

Make a reservation at the Eklutna Lake Picnic Pavilion

Permits for Chugach State Park

Commercial Use Permits
Anyone conducting commercial activities within a unit of the State Park system must obtain, in advance, a permit issued by the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation. Examples of commercial activities include guided activities, charter services, transportation services, and outfitting, supply or equipment sales or rentals within state parks.

The Commercial Use Permit application and required documentation must be submitted to the Chugach State Park office located at:

18620 Seward Hwy.
Anchorage, AK 99516
(907) 345-5014

Applications may be submitted by mail or via email: parkpermitting@alaska.gov

Once the permitting process is completed, the Commercial Operator will receive the permit and at that time will be authorized to conduct the permitted activity in the park. Commercial Operators are not authorized to operate in the park until the permit has been issued.

All vehicles that operate within the Alaska State Park system must be registered commercially with the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles. A copy of the registration must be given to the permitting office. A vehicle decal will be issued and is to be permanently affixed to the lower corner of the driver side of the windshield.

Commercial Use Permit Application

Special Use Permits
Special Use Permits are issued by Alaska State Parks for a wide variety of special events, such as those listed below. A special use permit is not required for regular recreation activities.

For a complete list of commercial and non-commercial activity fees, please read the current Director's Order on Permit Fees.

  • Groups of 20 or more people.
    Example: Company picnic or family reunion.
  • Organized athletic events or competitive recreational events.
    Example: Trail race or ski event.
  • Other organized events.
    Example: Weddings.
  • Conducting scientific research.
    Example: Collecting plants for scientific study, collection, or educational purposes.

Included with the Special Use Permit will be a list of standard, general stipulations. When you are issued a permit, it may also include additional stipulations customized to your specific situation.

Chugach State Park Special Use Permit Application

Other Useful Information

Recreational Opportunities
Citizen Advisory Board

Drone Flying Information:

Drones currently fall under the definition of aircraft as defined in 11 AAC 20.990 (below). Therefore, the landing and/or takeoff of drones in Chugach State Park is illegal with the exception of Bold Airstrip located at the inlet of Eklutna Lake. 11 AAC 20.020 (below).

11 AAC 20.990. Definitions As used in this chapter,

(2) "aircraft" means any motorized device under 12,500 pounds gross weight that is used or intended for flight or movement of people or goods in the air;

11 AAC 20.020. Aircraft (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, the use of aircraft is allowed in Chugach State Park on Bold airstrip located at the inlet of Eklutna Lake. (b) The use of aircraft for the purpose of practice landing is prohibited.

Trapping & Hunting Access: Chugach State Park Management Area

Trapping is legal with the following limitations under 5 AAC 92.550 Discretionary Trapping Regulation:

Trappers must register with Chugach State Park by calling (907) 345-5014 and choosing a trap identification number.
- All traps and snares must be tagged with chosen trap ID
- No trapping within ¼ mile of trailhead
- No trapping within 50 yards of a maintained trail
- No killer-style steel traps with a jaw spread over 7” are allowed

Trapper Harassment Law: No person may intentionally obstruct or hinder lawful hunting, fishing, trapping or wildlife viewing. AS 16.05.790

Dog-Walkers: Pets must be under control whether on or off leash. 11 AAC 12.130 (e)

Glen Alps Webcam

FEBRUARY 2025 NOTICE: The Glen Alps webcam is currently down and we are working diligently to repair it.

View from Caretaker Cabin Towards Entrance

Mission Statement

"The Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation provides outdoor recreation opportunities and conserves and interprets natural, cultural, and historic resources for the use, enjoyment, and welfare of the people."

Accessibility Notice

Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Atwood Building
550 West 7th Avenue
Suite 1380
Anchorage, AK 99501
DNR Public Information Center:
(907) 269-8400