Office of History and Archaeology news

National Register Lising: Chena Building Listed Dec. 16, 2024
The Chena Building is a rare surviving example of a gold-rush-era commercial property type from interior Alaska. The small, narrow, false front, wood frame building was most likely constructed sometime after ca.1905 in the now non-existent town of Chena, situated approximately 9 miles downstream from Fairbanks, Alaska, near the confluence of the Chena and Tanana Rivers. While the exact construction date remains unknown, photographic evidence of similar false-fronted buildings lining Front Street in the Chena townsite by 1905. The historic Chena townsite served, alongside Fairbanks, as a central transportation hub for interior Alaska between 1903 and 1920, serving all the Tanana basin gold-rush communities via the Tanana Valley Railroad, the first operating railroad in interior Alaska.

The Chena Building is not the last remnant of Chena buildings. According to Fairbanks historic preservationists, there are at least four other Chena buildings in Fairbanks that have been inventoried. The relocated Chena Townsite buildings have been partially repurposed by their new owners or appended as a garage or outbuilding. The newly listed Chena Building is the only one being returned to the Chena Townsite.

We invite you to join us on February 20, 2025, for our next OHA Education Series webinar, "Alaska and America 250," presented by Alaska State Historian Katie Ringsmuth, PhD.
To register for the session, please email

Save the Date April 10, 2025 - OHA/SHPO Workshop: OHA/SHPO is hosting a hybrid in-person and virtual option via Teams, all-day workshop at the BP Energy Center, Anchorage, AK on April 10, 2025. Meet and reconnect with OHA/SHPO staff. Network with representatives from federal and state agencies, local governments, Tribes, and cultural resource professionals. Topics will include:
- Program updates from OHA/SHPO including America250Alaska
- Draft State Historic Preservation Plan, 2025-2035, Saving Our Past, For a Resilient Future
- Updated guidance documents with Q&A
- Historic Contexts
- Updates and future plans for the AHRSPortal
- Panel discussion on Collections

Registration: Email to register. Conference details and agenda are under development. Be on the lookout for more information in future newsletters and OHA’s website.

OHA Staff Update
Kathleen Tarr, Grants Administrator II for Historic Preservation Fund, Maritime Heritage, and the Land & Water Conservation Fund, has resigned from State of Alaska service. Kathleen, a long-time Alaskan, will remain in Anchorage to focus on her independent projects and research. For the time being, subgrantees in the above-named programs should coordinate with Jean Ayers, Grants Administrator at: (907-375-7751).

Molly Herron, Archaeologist 1, joined OHA review/compliance team in December. She received her master’s degree in Anthropology from the University of Wyoming. Please welcome Molly to the OHA staff.

For cultural resource specialists preparing for the 2025 field season, keep an eye on our website in the coming weeks for the 2025 update to the State Cultural Resource Investigation Permit (SCRIP) Stipulations and Stipulation Instructions.

Website where SCRIP updates will be:

Contact Us
OHA employees are working a hybrid schedule.

While the Office of History and Archaeology staff are working remotely, we recommend people contact staff by email. If you have a general inquiry, a project for review, or state cultural resources investigation permit application please use one of the following email addresses:

General inquiry, geographic names, Alaska Historical Commission, etc.:
Review/compliance, Section 106, project review:
State Cultural Resource Investigation Permits:
Alaska Heritage Resource Survey access, renewals, or submissions:

Federal Legislation news

A Continuing Resolution (CR) funds the federal government through March 14, 2025. 

National Park Service news

NPS recent Underrepresented Communities Grant awards included Alaska.
Alutiiq Heritage Foundation, $74,940, A survey and National Register nomination for the Eagle Harbor ancestral community in Ugak Bay, Alaska, to preserve and share the history of the Alutiiq/Sugpiaq, the Indigenous people of Alaska’s Kodiak Archipelago.

National Register – Best Practices issue
A new issue of the Best Practices Review has been released and is available at

National Historic Landmarks program
National Register/NHL Program 2024 Year in Review is now available at

Three Alaska NHLs updated in December 2024.
View these changes on the NHL website
Ladd Field (Updated Documentation and Boundary Change)
  Fort Wainwright, Fairbanks North Star Borough, AK
Fort William H. Seward (Chilkoot Barracks) (Updated Documentation, Boundary Change, and Name Change)
  Haines, Haines Borough, AK
Sitka Naval Operating Base and U.S. Army Coastal Defenses (Updated Documentation and Boundary Change)
  Sitka, Sitka Borough, AK

NPS Grants: Accepting Applications
The Semiquincentennial Grant Program was created by Congress in 2020 to honor the 250th anniversary of the United States by restoring and preserving sites and structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places that commemorate the founding of the nation. Congress has appropriated $7 million for this program in fiscal year 2024.

Applications are due March 18, 2025.
Apply via P24AS00546

Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization
The Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant Program fosters economic development in rural communities through the rehabilitation of historic buildings in those communities. The program provides recipients (referred to as prime grantees) with a single grant that is then regranted in smaller amounts to individual projects (subgrants). Congress has appropriated $10 million for this program in fiscal year 2024.To be notified when the grant opportunity opens, please visit and subscribe to a saved search for CFDA number 15.966. You can create a saved search on under the "Connect" menu "Manage Subscriptions."

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation news

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) announced that Jordan Tannenbaum will serve as acting chair. Tannenbaum assumes the role following the resignation of Sara C. Bronin, who served as chair until December 31, 2024. He will fulfill the chair's duties until a new chairman is confirmed by the Senate and sworn in. Tannenbaum has been a member of the council since 2016, serving most recently as vice chair.

National Trust for Historic Preservation news

The National Fund for Sacred Places: Accepting Applications
This grant program provides training, planning grants, technical assistance, capacity-building support, and capital grants up to $500K to community-serving historic houses of worship across America. Applications are due March 3.

National Trust Preservation Funds Grant Program: Accepting Applications
Applications are due February 3 for the National Trust Preservation Funds.

With funds ranging up to $5,000 these grants help stimulate public discussion, enable local groups to gain the technical expertise needed for preservation projects, introduce the public to preservation concepts and techniques, and encourage financial participation by the private sector.

Peter H. Brink Leadership Fund grants (up to $2,500) for travel costs and mentor honoraria are available for Organization Level Forum or Main Street America members of the National Trust. The purpose of these grants is to support the leadership and effectiveness of staff and board members of preservation organizations through individualized mentoring and the sharing of expertise. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. For more information go to

National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers

NATHPO invites tribes and native organizations to stay current on important happenings using their new Calendar of Events. They have job listings, Community Job Board, and listing of relevant Grant Opportunities.

Public Projects Alert

Section 106 large project consultation in progress:

West Susitna Access Road, DOT&PF

Graphite One Mine near Nome

Safer Seward Highway, MP 98.5-118

Seward to Glenn Connection PEL, DOT&PF

Chilkoot National Historic Trail Comprehensive Trail Plan, NPS

Review and compliance agreement development for large projects in progress:

Thayer Creek Hydro, USFS

Memorandum of Agreement

Harbor Mountain, USFS

Memorandum of Agreement

USFS Heritage Program

Amendment 4, Region 10 Programmatic Agreement

Johnson Tract Access

Programmatic Agreement

Alaska Highway WWII Bridges

Programmatic Agreement

Glenn Highway Corridor

Programmatic Agreement

USFS Sustainable Cabins

Programmatic Agreement

NPS Kennecott Maintenance and Operations

Programmatic Agreement Amendment

NPS Dyea and the Chilkoot Trail

Programmatic Agreement

For information on how to participate in the process, or on how to review and comment on the above projects, contact Sarah Meitl,

Heritage Subscription Information

Heritage is produced by the Office of History and Archaeology, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Alaska Department of Natural Resources. Please send your comments, suggestions, and information by e-mail to, mail to 550 West 7th Ave., Suite 1310, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3565, or telephone 907.269.8700.

All issues are posted to our web site at and distributed to subscribers by e-mail. A paper copy can be sent to individuals and organizations that specifically request it.

To be added to the subscription list, please send an e-mail to with "Heritage, subscribe" in the subject line.

If you do not wish to continue to receive Heritage, please send an e-mail to with "Heritage, unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Preservation Calendar



  • February 20 - OHA Education Series Webinar, American’s Pastime in Alaska, State Historian Katie Ringsmuth.

  • February 23-27 - Partnership for National Trail Systems Hike the Hill annual meeting, Washington, D.C. Co-hosted with American Hiking Society. For more information go to



  • April 10 - OHA Cultural Resources Workshop. BP Energy Center. Hybrid – in-person and MS Teams. Details to come later.


  • May 14-17 - The Vernacular Architecture Forum. Annual Meeting, Wilmington, Delaware


  • September 8-12 - NATHPO 25th annual conference. Hosted by Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Details will be in future NATHPO newsletters.

  • September 10 - 13 - AASLH annual conference, theme The American Experiment, Cincinnati, OH. Session proposals are now being accepted and are due on December 13. Learn more about the conference.

  • September 24-27 - Alaska Historical Society annual conference, theme "Vital Lifelines in Alaska History", Fairbanks, Alaska. For more information go to the AHS website


National Preservation Institute provides continuing education and professional training in historic preservation and cultural resource management throughout the year. For training options go to: