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Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

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In order to be eligible for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), the State of Alaska must prepare a Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). The LWCF provides critical funding in the form of 1:1 matching grants, which go through the State to local governments for land acquisition projects and development of public outdoor recreation infrastructure. The SCORP also fulfills a requirement for the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) project application.

In one concise document, the SCORP has the potential to guide outdoor recreation development decisions in the state for the next five years. At its core, the SCORP evaluates the demand and supply of public outdoor recreation resources throughout Alaska, identifies capital investment priorities for acquiring, developing, and protecting all types of outdoor recreation resources, assures continuing opportunity for local government and private citizens to take part in planning for statewide outdoor recreation, and coordinates all outdoor recreation programs throughout the State.

2023-2027 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan - Published January, 2023

Executive Summary
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Demand and Supply: Outdoor Recreation Trends in Alaska
Chapter 3. Regional Outdoor Recreation Overview
Chapter 4. Statewide Outdoor Recreation Goals
Chapter 5. Conclusion
Appendix A. Data Descriptions, Surveys, and Public Comments

Full Document (33MB)
2023-2027 Alaska Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan cover page

Mission Statement

"The Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation provides outdoor recreation opportunities and conserves and interprets natural, cultural, and historic resources for the use, enjoyment, and welfare of the people."

Accessibility Notice

Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Atwood Building
550 West 7th Avenue
Suite 1380
Anchorage, AK 99501
DNR Public Information Center:
(907) 269-8400