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Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Alaska State Parks Volunteer Program and Volunteer Internship Positions

Museum Assistant Volunteer Positions

Note: Please be sure to check the general information page for instructions on how to apply! Click here to return to the list of position types.


Wickersham State Historic Site is the downtown home of Judge James Wickersham, who lived in the house from 1928 until his death in 1939 at the age of 82. The house contains the art and memorabilia collection the judge accumulated during his life in Alaska for 40 years. Situated on a hill above Juneau, the house was originally built for the mine superintendent of the Alaska Gastineau Mining Company in 1898. The state has stabilized the house and made significant improvements, but much more restoration is necessary to give it a finished appearance.

Main Tasks: Assist the resident manager in keeping the house open for tours six days per week. Learn the history of the house and area to give short tours for visitors from the local community, tourists, and cruise ship passengers. Assist in minor maintenance such as cleaning, washing windows, mowing small lawn, and other hand tool repairs.

Desired Skills: Lead small tours, familiarity with minor housework, ability to work with people.

Internship: Will assist volunteer in internship requirements and paperwork.

Allowance/Housing: Housing provided in a separate bedroom in the house. Subsistence payment for food with kitchen facilities available.

Time Commitment: 8 weeks working four days per week, during June, July, and August.

Send Application to: Chief Ranger

Alaska State Parks - Juneau
400 Willoughby Ave., Suite 500
PO Box 111071
Juneau, AK 99811


phone: 907-465-4563
email: dnr.pkssoutheast@alaska.gov

Mission Statement

"The Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation provides outdoor recreation opportunities and conserves and interprets natural, cultural, and historic resources for the use, enjoyment, and welfare of the people."

Accessibility Notice

Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Atwood Building
550 West 7th Avenue
Suite 1380
Anchorage, AK 99501
DNR Public Information Center:
(907) 269-8400