Management Plans in Print
To order any of the hard copy materials listed below, send a check payable to "State of Alaska" with your name, address, phone number and the item(s) you are ordering to:
DNR Public Information Center
550 W 7th Ave, Suite 1260
Anchorage, AK 99501-3557
phone: (907) 269-8400
TDD: (907) 269-8411
fax: (907) 269-8901 e-mail:
Plans available in hard copy:
⚫ Caines Head State Recreation Area Management Plan, December 1997,
available online Cost $10.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $12.50
⚫ Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Plan, September 2002,
available online Cost $10.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $12.50
⚫ Denali State Park Master Plan, 1989
Cost $10.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $12.50
⚫ Kachemak Bay State Park and Kachemak Bay State Wilderness Park Management Plan, March 1995
Cost $10.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $12.50
⚫ Kenai River Comprehensive Management Plan, December 1997,
available online Cost $15.00 plus $4.00 postage - Total $19.00
⚫ Shuyak Island State Park Management Plan, March 1995
Cost $10.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $12.50
⚫ State Marine Parks Management Plan: Prince William Sound and Resurrection Bay, March 1995
Cost $10.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $12.50
⚫ Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Plan, October 2002,
available online Cost $10.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $12.50
Other Documents available in hard copy:
⚫ Alaska Recreational Trails Plan, October 2000, available online
Cost $10.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $12.50
⚫ Catalog of the Alaska State Park System, 1994
This catalog has land status information only.
Cost $10.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $12.50
⚫ SCORP (Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan)
- Alaska's Outdoor Legacy, July 2004 available online
This is the 2004-2009 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
⚫ SCORP (Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan)
- Alaska's Outdoor Legacy, January, 1999
This is the 1997-2002 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
Cost $7.50 plus $2.50 postage - Total $10.00
⚫ SCORP (Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan)
- Alaska's Outdoor Legacy, September 1993
This is the 1992-1996 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
Cost $5.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $7.50
⚫ SCORP (Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan)
- Doing More With Less, July 1991
This is the 1991-1992 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Action Plan.
Cost $5.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $7.50"
⚫ South Side Denali Development Concept Plan and Environmental Impact Statement, December 1996
Volume 1
Volume 2: Comments and Responses
Cost $10.00 plus $2.50 postage - Total $12.50