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Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Chena River SRA Management Plan

Complete Plan (pdf – 27MB)
Because of the size of this document, it has been divided into the smaller documents listed below for your convenience.

Preface(pdf – 250 KB)
Includes: Cover, Title Page, Credits and Acknowledgements, Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction (pdf – 105 KB)
Includes: Plan Purpose, Plan Overview, The Planning Area, Establishment of the Recreation Area, SRA Management Planning Process, 1984 Original and 2006 Revised, Alaska State Parks System's Statewide Framework Plan, Goals, Mission and Objectives.
Map 1-1: Region Location (pdf – 205 KB)

Chapter 2: Areawide Management Direction & Guidelines (pdf – 160 KB)
Includes: Background, Overall Recreation Management, Access Roads, Campgrounds, Education and Interpretation, Facilities, Fees & Funding, Gravel Bars, Horse Use, Hunting, Trapping, Land Ownership, Logjams, Maintenance, Monitoring, Permits, Public-Use Cabins and Shelters, River Uses, Shooting Range, Trails and Wildlife Viewing.
Map 2-1: Recreation Trails System (pdf – 3 MB)

Chapter 3: Management for Each Unit (pdf – 205 KB)
Includes: Classification of Management Units, Management Units, Unit 1: Chena River – Road Corridor, Unit 2: Colorado Creek, Unit 3: Angel Creek – Chena Dome, Unit 4: East Fork – Angel Rocks, Unit 5: Tors, Unit 6: South Fork.
Map 3-1: Management Designations by Management Unit (pdf – 130 KB)
Map 3-2: Management Unit 1: Chena River – Road Corridor (pdf – 3 MB)
Map 3-3: Management Unit 2: Colorado Creek (pdf – 3 MB)
Map 3-4: Management Unit 3: Angel Creek – Chena Dome (pdf – 3.2 MB)
Map 3-5: Management Unit 4: East Fork – Angel Rocks (pdf – 2.5 MB)
Map 3-6: Management Unit 5: Tors (pdf – 3.7 MB)
Map 3-7: Management Unit 6: South Fork (pdf – 2.2 MB)

Chapter 4: Recommendations & Implementation (pdf – 125 KB)
Includes: Management Actions, Facility Development, Interagency Agreements and Actions, Plan Review, Modifications and Special Exceptions, Recreational Opportunities Near the Recreation Area, Resource Management, Site Planning, and Other Management Actions.

Chapter 5: The Natural Environment (pdf – 120 KB)
Includes: Overview of the Recreation Area, Climate, Landforms and Geology, Mineral Resources, Soils, Water Quality, Hydrology, Fire, Fire Management, Wildlife, Birds, Fish and Vegetation.
Figure 5-2: Chena River Valley Profile (pdf – 525 KB)
Map 5-1: Slope Analysis (pdf – 1 MB)
Map 5-2: Fire Protection Levels and Fire History (pdf – 175 KB)
Map 5-3: Game Management Unit 20B (pdf – 210 KB)

Chapter 6: The Human Environment (pdf – 75 KB)
Includes: Historic Use and Archaeological Remains, Population, Land Ownership, Economic Growth, Tourism, Transportation, Visitation, Services and Utilities.
Map 6-1: Land Status (pdf – 200 KB)

Chapter 7: Regional Recreation and Visitor Use (pdf – 395 KB)
Includes: Regional Recreation Preferences, Regional Recreation Opportunities and Providers, Chena River State Recreation Area Recreational Preferences, Chena River State Recreation Area Opportunities, Existing Facilities, Commercial Activities and Private Sector.
Map 7-1: Regional Recreation Opportunities (pdf – 215 KB)
Map 7-2: Development Summary (pdf – 3 MB)

Appendices (pdf – 252 KB)
Includes: Glossary, Statutes and Regulations, Regulations for Recreation on U.S. Army Garrison Lands, Trail Classification for Chena River SRA, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Unit 20B Figures, Figures from SCORP, 2004-2009, Effects of Military Overflights on Human Uses, Bibliography and Information Sources.

Return to Index

Photo of Tors Trail

Mission Statement

"The Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation provides outdoor recreation opportunities and conserves and interprets natural, cultural, and historic resources for the use, enjoyment, and welfare of the people."

Accessibility Notice

Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Atwood Building
550 West 7th Avenue
Suite 1380
Anchorage, AK 99501
DNR Public Information Center:
(907) 269-8400
DPOR Director's Office:
(907) 269-8704