SnowTRAC Grooming Pool
The Snowmachine Trail Grant Program uses Snowmachine registration fees to support a system of groomed Snowmachine trails in several regions of the state. Funds are used by Snowmachine clubs, non-profits, and businesses to groom and mark trails. Trails must be legal and approved by the Snowmachine Trail Advisory Council (SnowTRAC). The map below shows the locations of the Grooming Pool trails throughout the state. To view PDF maps of the individual grooming areas, click on the map or the list below.

Grooming Pool Trail Maps
Juneau Area | |
The intended use for these maps is to identify trails that are part of the SnowTRAC Grooming Pool. These maps should not be used as a navigational aid.
SnowTRAC Funded Projects 2014-2018
For more information on the program, contact:
Ricky Gease
Alaska State Parks
550 W 7th Ave, Suite 1380
Anchorage AK 99501-3561
phone: (907) 269-8704
fax: (907) 269-8907