Alaska State Parks Volunteer Program 2025 Campground Host Position List and Status
For more general information and instructions on how to apply, see the General Information page. Also check the More Information on Campground Hosting page. For information on each specific position that is open, click on the position title. Listed after the campground or park name, is the town closest to that campground.
To apply, please fill out our online campground host application.
We continue to accept applications for positions still listed as OPEN past the April 1st deadline. Please, do not hesitate to apply if the position is still listed as open.
Last Update: March 6, 2025
Northern Area (Fairbanks to Tok)
⚫ Rosehip Campground in Chena River State Recreation Area, Fairbanks - FILLED
⚫ Granite Tors Campground in Chena River State Recreation Area, Fairbanks - FILLED
⚫ Olnes Pond - Lower Chatanika State Recreation Area, Fairbanks - OPEN
⚫ Harding Lake State Recreation Area, Fairbanks - FILLED
⚫ Salcha River State Recreation Site, Fairbanks - FILLED
⚫ Creamers Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Fairbanks - FILLED
⚫ Delta State Recreation Site, Delta Junction - OPEN
Mat-Su/Copper River Area (Talkeetna to Glennallen)
⚫ Byers Lake Campground in Denali State Park, Trapper Creek - OPEN
⚫ Kesugi Ken Campground - Denali State Park - FILLED
⚫ Big Lake North State Recreation Site, Big Lake - OPEN
⚫ Rocky Lake State Recreation Site, Big Lake - OPEN
⚫ Nancy Lake State Recreation Site, Willow - OPEN
⚫ South Rolly Lake Campground in Nancy Lake State Recreation Area, Willow - FILLED
⚫ Willow Creek State Recreation Area, Willow - OPEN
⚫ Matanuska Lakes State Recreation Area, Wasilla - OPEN
⚫ Finger Lake State Recreation Site, Wasilla - OPEN
⚫ Palmer Hay Flats State Game Refuge, Palmer/Wasilla - OPEN
⚫ Susitna Landing Campground, Willow (ADFG) - OPEN
⚫ Little Su Public Use Facility, Wasilla (ADFG) - FILLED
Kenai/Prince William Sound Area (Valdez and the Kenai Peninsula)
⚫ Lowell Point State Recreation Site, Seward - FILLED
⚫ Bing's Landing Campground, Kenai River Special Management Area, Sterling - FILLED
⚫ Bing's Landing Boat Launch, Kenai River Special Management Area, Sterling - FILLED
⚫ Funny River Campground, KRSMA, Sterling - FILLED
⚫ Izaak Walton Campground, Kenai River Special Management Area, Sterling - OPEN
⚫ Maintenance Host, Kenai River Special Management Area, Sterling - OPEN
⚫ Morgan's Landing Campground, KRSMA, Sterling (2 positions) - FILLED
⚫ The Pillars Boat Launch, Kenai River Special Management Area, Kenai (1 position) - OPEN
⚫ Cooper Landing Boat Launch, Kenai River SMA, Cooper Landing - FILLED
⚫ Kasilof River Boat Launch, Kasilof - OPEN
⚫ Crooked Creek State Recreation Site, Kasilof (1 position)- OPEN
⚫ Johnson Lake State Recreation Area, Kasilof (2 positions) - OPEN
⚫ Clam Gulch State Recreation Area, Kasilof - OPEN
⚫ Ninilchik River Campground in Ninilchik State Recreation Area, Ninilchik - OPEN
⚫ Ninilchik View Campground in Ninilchik State Recreation Area, Ninilchik - OPEN
⚫ Deep Creek SRA, Ninilchik (1 position) - OPEN
⚫ Eagle Rock Boat Launch, Kenai Area (1 position) - OPEN
⚫ Worthington Glacier SRS, near Valdez - OPEN
⚫ Blueberry Lake SRS, near Valdez - OPEN
Kodiak Area (Kodiak Island)
⚫ Buskin River State Recreation Site, Kodiak - FILLED
⚫ Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park, Kodiak - FILLED
⚫ Pasagshak State Recreation Site, Kodiak - FILLED
Chugach Area (Anchorage)
⚫ Bird Creek Campground in Chugach State Park, Anchorage - FILLED
⚫ Bird Creek Campground Overflow in Chugach State Park, Anchorage - FILLED
⚫ McHugh Creek Picnic Area in Chugach State Park, Anchorage - FILLED
⚫ Eagle River Campground in Chugach State Park, Anchorage - OPEN
⚫ Eklutna Lake Campground in Chugach State Park, Anchorage - FILLED
⚫ Potter Marsh in Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge, Anchorage - FILLED
Southeast Area (Haines to Ketchikan)
⚫ Chilkat State Park, Haines - OPEN
⚫ Chilkoot Lake State Recreation Area, Haines - OPEN
⚫ Settler's Cove State Recreation Site, Ketchikan - OPEN
⚫ Totem Bight State Historical Park, Ketchikan - OPEN
⚫ Eagle Beach State Recreation Area, Juneau - OPEN