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Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Parks & Outdoor Recreation Contact Information

If you need more information, contact the state park office nearest to your area of interest. The DNR Public Information Centers can also be of service. Additional recreation information can also be obtained from the other agencies listed below. If an agency is underlined, click their name to go to their web site.

DNR Public Information Centers

DNR PIC - Anchorage

Address: 550 W 7th Ave. Suite 1360, Anchorage, AK 99501-3557
Phone: (907) 269-8400
Fax: (907) 269-8901
E-Mail: dnr.pic@alaska.gov
Reservation Call Center: (844) 351-9733

DNR PIC - Fairbanks

Address: 3700 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709-4699
Phone: (907) 451-2705
Fax: (907) 451-2706
E-Mail: fbx-pic@alaska.gov
Reservation Call Center: (844) 351-9733

State Park Offices

Director's Office

Division Director: Ricky Gease
Division Operations Manager: Matt Wedeking
Location: Atwood Building, Downtown Anchorage
Address:550 West 7th Ave, Suite 1380, Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: (907) 269-8700

History & Archaeology
Judy Bittner

Interpretation & Education
Shawna Popovici

Community Engagement
Wendy Sailors

Admin. & Grants
Joel Del Rosario

Boating Safety
Joe McCullough

Design & Construction
Rys Miranda

Chugach Region

Chugach Region Office
Superintendent: Justin Dipaola-Allen
Location: Potter Section House, Mile 115 Seward Hwy
Address: 18620 Seward Hwy. Anchorage, AK 99516
Phone: (907) 345-5014
E-Mail: csp@alaska.gov

Kenai/Prince William Sound Region

Kenai Region Office
Superintendent: Hans Rinke
Location: Morgan's Landing Campground, Mile 85 Sterling Hwy
Mailing Address: PO Box 1247, Soldotna, AK 99669
Phone: (907) 262-5581
E-Mail: dnr.pkskenai@alaska.gov

Kodiak/Southwest Region

Kodiak Region Office
Superintendent: Ben Shryock
Location: Ft. Abercrombie SHP, Kodiak Island
Address: 1400 Abercrombie Dr, Kodiak, AK 99615
Phone: (907) 486-6339
E-Mail: dnr.pkskodiak@alaska.gov

Mat-Su/Copper Basin Region

Mat-Su Region Office
Superintendent: Stuart Leidner
Location:Finger Lake SRS, 0.7 miles east of Trunk Rd.
Mailing Address: 7278 East Bogard Road, Wasilla, AK 99654
Phone: (907) 745-3975
E-Mail: Mat-Su Parks

Northern Region

Northern Region Office
Superintendent: Ian Thomas
Location: Fairbanks
Address: 3700 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709
Phone: (907) 451-2695
E-Mail: dnr.pksnorth@alaska.gov

Southeast Region

Southeast Region Office
Superintendent: Preston Kroes
Location: 400 Willoughby Ave
Address: PO Box 111071, Juneau, AK 99811
Phone: (907) 465-4563
E-Mail: dnr.pkssoutheast@alaska.gov

Mission Statement

"The Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation provides outdoor recreation opportunities and conserves and interprets natural, cultural, and historic resources for the use, enjoyment, and welfare of the people."

Accessibility Notice

Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Atwood Building
550 West 7th Avenue
Suite 1380
Anchorage, AK 99501
DNR Public Information Center:
(907) 269-8400