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Complete Plan (pdf 3 KB)
Preface (1.5 MB)
Introduction (200 KB)
Includes: Purpose; Establishment; Size, Location, Setting, and Significance; Definition of a State Recreation Area; Planning Process; Figure 2
Natural Resource Inventory (365 KB)
Includes: Climate; Topography; Soil; Vegetation; Surface Waters; Energy; Fish and Wildlife; Scenic Values; Natural Hazards; Figures 3 and 4
Cultural Resource Inventory (220 KB)
Includes: History; Population; Transportation and Circulation; Land Ownership; Local, Regional Economy; Figures 5 and 6
Regional Recreation Providers (240 KB)
Includes: State of Alaska; Matanuska-Susitna Borough; City of Houston and Wasilla; Private Sector; Nancy Lake State Recreation Area Opportunities; Public Recreation Issues and Objectives; Figure 7
Visitor Use, Preferences and Projections (270 KB)
Includes: Existing Recreational Use; Local Recreation Preferences; Regional Recreation Preferences; National Recreation Preferences; Trends; Figures 8, 9 and 10
Analysis and Evaluation (675 KB)
Includes: Recreational Opportunities; Recreational Facilities; Access and Circulation; Historical Preservation and Interpretation; Interpretation; Economics; Land Use Conflicts; Figures 11, 12 and 13
Management and Development Recommendations (1.1 MB)
Includes: Land Use Zoning; Recommendation Charts; Other Recommendations; Figures 14, 15, 16 and 17
Implementation (150 KB)
Includes: Phasing
Appendix(185 KB)