
Interpretive Planning

Interpretive planning establishes guidelines and a long-range vision for maintaining and developing interpretive media for sites. Our plans outline the goals and objectives for the program or site, consider the needs and desires of visitors, outline thematic guidelines, and suggest appropriate interpretive media. During the planning process, we work closely with project leaders to ensure their objectives are met. Each plan is unique and tailored to meet the site's needs.
A few examples are listed below:

Potter Marsh Master Interpretive Plan(MIP)
Wickersham House State Historic Site MIP
Glenn Highway National Scenic Byway Interpretive Plan
MIP for the Alaska Marine Highway, Kodiak and the Aleutians Segment

Scenic Byway Planning

In addition to interpretive planning for scenic byways, we have also produced several corridor partnership plans for state scenic byways. A corridor partnership plan identifies the key intrinsic qualities of a byway and serves as a guide for the management, promotion, and enhancement of those qualities over time. The process is guided by local communities, businesses, organizations, and public agencies and ultimately is an expression of their collective desires.

Parks Highway Corridor Partnership Plan
Dalton Highway Corridor Partnership Plan

Historic Preservation Planning

Preservation plans help meet the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation's goal to "sustain Alaska's cultural, ecological, scenic and scientific assets through proactive stewardship pursuant to the division's parks and programs." These plans provide guidelines to help meet short- and long-term objectives for the preservation and enhancement of cultural and historical resources within Alaska State Parks.

Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park Preservation Plan
Fort Rousseau Causeway State Historical Park Preservation Plan
Old Sitka State Historical Park Preservation Plan
Baranof Castle State Historic Site Preservation Plan

Program Contact Information
550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1340
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 269-8742

George Parks Highway Scenic Byway Plan Potter Marsh Plan