Site Specific Plans
Site Specific Plans are land use plans developed under AS 38.04.065 that establish goals, policies,
management intent, and guidelines
for the use of state land in areas that are outside of the boundaries of existing area plans. Site
Specific Plans are used in areas that
generally have a small amount of state-owned land, have historically seen little to no use, or under
certain contexts, may be associated
with authorizations or disposals.
Site Specific Plans are planning documents prepared in the absence of a regional plan, that states
the management intent for resources in
the planning area, addresses impacts on adjacent land uses; and contains the following: a summary of
existing land uses and ownership
patterns, a discussion of resource potential and land uses on state lands and water, land
classifications that set out primary use,
consideration of mineral potential, existing or potential conflicts. The plans provide management
guidelines and stated management intent
representing department polices that guide the actions of the DNR when making land use decisions,
directing land management and ensuring
compatibility among competing land uses (11 AAC 55.030(e)).
Currently Active Site Specific Plans
No site specific plans are currently underway.