State land can provide many different resources to many different people including fish,
wildlife, water, timber, minerals, recreation and tourism opportunities, and settlement
opportunities. There are many different ideas about how these state resources should be
used, and sometimes these uses conflict with each other. However, if the land is managed
carefully, many uses can occur in the same area. Planning is a way of sorting through the
possibilities for using state land, determining those uses with the greatest benefits for
all Alaskans and involving the public in the process. The planning process provides a link
between the citizens and the agencies charged with managing their land. All resources and
uses are considered and evaluated in the process.
A robust public involvement process will be employed to seek input from the public,
regional and local Alaska Native corporations, and other stakeholders.
Below is an outline of the major steps that will be taken to develop the NEAAP.
Identify Issues
Hold public meetings to identify issues and concerns in the planning area.
Gather Information ‐ Occurs Throughout Process
Collect information about natural resources, present and past land use, land ownership, and the local
economy. A great deal of this is done in the beginning, but it occurs throughout the planning process.
Prepare and Evaluate Land Use Alternative
Describe possible choices for managing state land based on public interests, local resources, and state
policies. Describe the effects of each choice on goals for the management of an area.
Prepare Draft Plan
Create a draft plan that reflects resource values and public and agency goals. The agencies review the
first draft and settle any land use conflicts that remain or propose the best alternatives for public
Public Review of Draft Plan
Hold public meetings to provide the public an opportunity to
comment on the draft plan and to identify parts that need to be changed.
Prepare Final Plan
Review agency and public comments and revise the plan as appropriate.
Prepare the plan for publication.
Approve Plan
The Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources approves and signs the plan.
Implement Plan
The plan guides management decisions for state lands in the planning area.g