Water Data & Reporting

Water Rights Map
This Water Rights Map allows you to view maps displaying the approximate location of water rights and reservations of water in a given area.
Search Water Rights
The Water Rights Search lists current water rights and reservations, sorted or filtered by different criteria.
Search Temporary Water Use Authorizations
The Temporary Water Use Authorizations Search lists current temporary water use authorizations, sorted or filtered by different criteria.
LAS Case File Search
This site displays the summary or abstract data for individual cases from the Land Administration System (LAS).
Alaska Groundwater Database
The Alaska Groundwater Database provides depths to groundwater from measuring points collected by local, state, and federal cooperative partners. Groundwater and air temperatures are also available for several groundwater stations.
Water Use Data System
The Alaska Water Use Data System (AKWUDS) serves as a dual-purpose online water use reporting system/database. This system allows water right/authorization holders to submit monthly water use data online and permits the public to download data entered into AKWUDS.
Well Log Tracking System
The Alaska Well Log Tracking System (WELTS) is the state repository for water well logs. WELTS serves as a dual-purpose online water well log reporting system/database. This system allows water well drillers to submit water well logs online and permits the public to download data entered into WELTS. Alaska Statute 41.08.020(b)(4) and Alaska Administrative Code 11 AAC 93.140(a) requires water well contractors to file water and aquifer data obtained, including but not limited to, well location, well driller's logs, pumping tests, flow measurements, estimated elevation, and water quality determinations within 45 days of well completion.
Water Quality Data
Water quality data has been collected from a variety of both surface water and groundwater sources by the Alaska Hydrologic Survey.
Streams Database
The Streams Database provides a compilation of discrete discharge measurements conducted by Division of Mining, Land and Water personnel.
Lakes Data
This is a compilation of lake data gathered during specific field projects within the state.
This database is a summary of stream characteristics resulting from an initial investigation into navigable streams within the state. The database has continued to grow as new data becomes available.
Hydrologic Reports
Visit the Hydrologic Reports information page.
For information or questions about the data or reports, please contact Kevin Petrone at (907) 269-8646.