Deadman Lake
Deadman Lake
0 land parcels are currently available for sale.
Deadman Lake is located approximately 65 air miles west of Fairbanks and approximately 5 miles north of the confluence of the Tanana River and the Kantishna River.
Access Details
Primary access is by float plane to Deadman Lake, then overland to the parcel. Snowmachine access from Manley Hot Springs may be possible.
There is no municipal water supply or sewer system. Please see plat notes and the “Sewer and Water” section of this brochure for details. There are no utilities (electric, phone, internet, etc.) currently in this area.
Local Government
Deadman Lake is located within the Unorganized Borough and subject to the State of Alaska platting authority.
This area is in the Full Fire Management Option. See the “Wildland Fires and Burn Permits” section of this brochure for details.
These parcels are located on Tentatively Approved land. See the “Tentatively Approved Lands” section of the brochure for more details.
These parcels may contain wetlands. Purchasers must obtain permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers before placing any dredged or filled material in wetlands.
Easements affecting these parcels, as depicted on the plat, may include, but are not limited to, utility easements. Information on restrictions, easements, reservations, and setbacks may be depicted on the plat, contained in the plat notes, or be recorded separately.
Survey and Appraisal
Deadman Lake is survey ASLS 81-40, located in Section 10, Township 1 South, 12 West, Fairbanks Meridian. The survey has been filed as plat 81-9 in the Manley Hot Springs Recording District.
Right-of-way Status
The rights-of-way within the subdivision are undeveloped.
Homeowner's Association
Any subsequent owner of parcels within this subdivision automatically becomes a member of the homeowner’s association, if active. The declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions for this association was recorded on August 31, 1981 in the Manley Hot Springs Recording District.