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Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Division of Mining, Land and Water

Silverbow Creek

View from MP 122 Elliot Hwy. Staking area on the right side of the road.
View from MP 122 Elliot Hwy. Staking area on the right side of the road.
ADL 421306
ADL 421306

Silverbow Creek

Area No: 1
Nearest Community: Manley Hot Springs
Quad Map: Tanana A-1, Livengood A-6, 1:63,360
Location: T 3N, R 12W; T 3N, R 13W; T 4N, R 11W; T 4N, R 12W; T 4N, R 13W; Fairbanks Meridian
Borough: Unorganized Borough
Staking Authorizations Available: 30

Area Information

Why Stake?
This road accessible staking area is a few hours from Fairbanks with many south-facing slopes.
Located approximately 120 road miles northwest of Fairbanks along the Elliott Highway.
Terrain and Major Features:
This staking area is in hilly terrain forested with white spruce, black spruce, paper birch, and aspen. There are many south-facing slopes in the staking area.
Primary access is from the Elliot Highway roughly between mileposts 121 and 129. Two public access easements and additional trails provide access within the staking area via ATV and/or snowmachine.
The staking area has a continental subarctic climate and receives approximately 15 inches of annual precipitation and 57 inches of snow. Summer temperatures range from approximately 35 to 90 degrees F. Winter temperatures range from approximately -65 to 45 degrees F.
Higher slopes are generally well-drained, gravelly, and without permafrost, whereas soils in the valley bottoms are generally poorly drained with a shallow permafrost table. Primarily colluvial and alluvial deposits of gravel, silt, and sand with a variable thickness of discontinuous silt covering the surface. The potential usability of the soils for engineering applications is highly variable due to a large range of grain sizes and sorting. Silts in the southern portion of the staking area are potentially organic and ice rich.
The south-facing, well-drained slopes support white spruce, paper birch, and aspen. North facing slopes and low-lying areas have stands of black spruce.
Water Source:
Possible water holding tank supplied by a rainwater catchment system or from various streams throughout the staking area. Water quality is unknown.
The State of Alaska holds fee title fee title to the land and mineral estate within the staking area under Patents #50-76-0100, #50-99-0235, #50-80-0122, #50-86-0140 (dated April 2,1986), and #50-2005-0006. The applicable State case files are GS 472, GS 474, GS 1242, GS 2500, and GS 482.
Fire Management Option:
The current fire management option for the staking area is “Modified.” Contact the Division of Forestry for updated information regarding management options. Stakers are urged to locate parcels in fire defensible areas, hardwood stands, or near water bodies to reduce potential for fire.
Game Management Unit:
The staking area is within Game Management Unit 20B.
Municipal Authority:
The staking area is within the Unorganized Borough and subject to the State of Alaska platting authority.
Mineral Estate:
The staking area is closed to mineral entry under MO 1197.
Allowed Uses:
Remote Recreational Cabin Sites are for recreational use only. No commercial use or permanent residence is allowed while under lease. Once the parcel is under purchase contract or conveyed into private ownership, these restrictions no longer apply.
Easements, Setbacks, and Other Restrictions:
The following restriction will apply to this offering: staking is not allowed in the reserved area within Section 3 of T 3N, R 12W, as shown on staking area map (additional reserved areas may be imposed up to or during the staking period as necessary); a 150-foot staking setback from the trails identified in the staking map that provide access within and beyond the staking area, serialized as 421306 and 421307; a 300-foot staking setback from material site ADL 419657 between mileposts 123 and 124 of the Elliott Highway; a 300-foot staking setback from the centerline of Elliott Highway; a 50-foot building setback from the OHW of all public streams, in accordance with the Yukon Tanana Area Plan; a public access and utility easement along parcel boundaries; an easement centered on existing trails through or along staked parcels; a 50-foot-wide section line easement on each side of surveyed or protracted section lines on State-owned land in accordance with AS 19.10.010 Dedication of Land for Public Highways and 11 AAC 51.025 Section-line Easements; section line easements may be vacated under AS 19.30.410 Vacation of Rights-of-Way and 11 AAC 51.065 Vacation of Easements; a 50-foot continuous easement upland from the OHW of public or navigable water bodies in accordance with AS 38.05.127 Access To Navigable or Public Water; a 5-foot survey easement from the nearest practical point on the property boundary to control monuments within the parcel and an easement with a radius around the control monument, and as applicable, a 5’ direct line-of-sight easement from the control station to an azimuth mark or other control monument; and additional reservations and/or restrictions required by the platting authority.
Prior to construction of any structure or waste disposal system, contact the platting authority for any permits or for required setbacks from water bodies, lot lines, and easements.
Prior to construction of any structure or waste disposal system, contact the platting authority for any permits or for required setbacks from water bodies, lot lines, and easements.
Survey and Appraisal Costs:
The estimated survey cost for this area is $4,000 - $5,500 per parcel. The estimated appraisal cost for this area is $500 per parcel.

Base Appraisal Summary

Hypothetical Key Parcel: A

Size (Acres): 10.0000

Access: Elliott Highway to staking area, overland by ATV, snowmachine or walk in.

Building Site: Adequate building site, wooded, and adequately drained soils.

Amenities: Typical view of the surrounding area.

Hypothetical Pricing Key for Parcels

Key Parcel

Size (Acres)

Price / Acre

Price / Lot





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