State Lands Near Your Parcel
State Lands Near Your Parcel
Use of Adjacent State-Owned Land
Uses of unreserved State-owned land, other than those uses stated in 11 AAC 96.020 Generally Allowed Uses, may require a land use authorization from DNR. Certain activities, such as harvesting firewood or clearing viewsheds may require a permit in advance and there is no guarantee of approval.
Multiple Uses
Land sales described in offering brochures are only one of the disposal or allowed uses that may occur in any given area. A variety of other authorized uses such as mining or timber sales, commercial or personal recreation, trapping, or resource harvest can and do occur on Municipal, State, Federal, and private lands near the parcels listed for sale. Such uses not only affect adjacent land, but also roads that are intended for access to those areas. Large truck and heavy equipment traffic may occur, and in some cases, noise, dust, or other activities may be perceived as a nuisance to neighboring users. Occasionally, small roads or trails are developed, improved, and maintained to accommodate increased traffic. It is strongly recommended that you take this into consideration when applying to purchase land through these offerings.
Future Offerings
The State of Alaska reserves the right to offer additional parcels of land adjacent to or near previously
sold parcels, thereby potentially increasing the population density or frequency of use in an area. Public
notices about potential State disposals are available at:
Land Sales Public Notices.