Non-Timber Forest Product Commercial Harvest Permit

In July 2008, the Division of Mining, Land and Water changed the regulations (listed above) to authorize commercial harvesting of non-timber forest products (NTFP) on state lands through an over-the-counter authorization. Previously commercial harvesting required a regular land use permit. Pursuant with the change, commercial harvesting of non-timber forest products, up to certain quantities of harvest, now can be permitted through the Department of Natural Resources Limited Non-timber Forest Product Commercial Harvesting Permit.
The change accomplishes two objectives:
- It streamlines the permitting process, taking less time for staff and applicants and
- It allows DNR to better manage these natural resources to ensure a sustainable harvest for all Alaskans.
Much effort was placed in developing a Harvest Manual that sets appropriate limits of harvest per harvestable species and provides correct harvest protocol to protect the environment and maintain a sustainable harvest.
The Non-Timber Forest Products Commercial Harvest Permit does not give harvesters access along privately held easements, such as the Pogo Mine Road, or private property. Harvesters must ensure they are accessing harvest areas via existing public access easements or other routes on state lands according to Generally Allowed Uses. Violators are subject to prosecution according to Alaska law.
Permit Registration
There is a $160 minimum that applies to a Non-timber Forest Product Commercial Harvesting Permit.
Online Permit Registration Price List / Mail-in Permit Registration Form PDFRequirements
- Be sure that you can identify the product that you are harvesting. Some plants can never be harvested because they are rare, endangered, or sensitive to harvest in other ways. Other plants are poisonous and may resemble edible species.
- Know how to collect and handle the product you are harvesting. Improper collecting can damage the remaining plant parts. Improper collecting and handling can result in an unusable product.
- Be sure that a market exists for the product you intend to harvest.
- Know the land ownership.
- Respect the land and others using it. Follow the Generally Allowed Uses requirements when harvesting.
- Obtain and carry the proper permit and complete the end of season report while harvesting.
- Maintain required records, timely submit required reports, and pay fees.
Harvest Area Maps
Freqeuntly Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are “Non-Timber Forest Products”?
Non-timber Forest Products (NTFP) are generally defined as products derived from biological resources. Some examples include mushrooms, berries, bark, burls, conks, cones, boughs, diamond willow, landscaping transplants, and sap. Not included are rocks, minerals, soil, water, animals, or animal parts. Timber products include saw logs, poles, house logs, firewood, and Christmas trees. Harvest of timber products is permitted through the local Alaska Division of Forestry office. Harvest of NTFP for commercial purposes is managed by the Division of Mining, Land and Water.
Do I need a permit to harvest Non-Timber Forest Products?
No permit is required to harvest reasonable quantities of NTFP for personal use. If you are harvesting NTFPs for commercial purposes, you will need a “Limited Non-Timber Forest Products Commercial Harvest Permit”. Commercial use is defined as harvesting NTFPs for the primary purpose of sale, resale, or use in a manufacturing process resulting in a product that will be sold or used for business activities. The official permit to harvest commercially on general or state forest lands is available on this web page or by visiting one of our office locations. This permit does not authorize harvest on private, state park, University of Alaska, Mental Health Trust, Department of Transportation, Alaska Railroad, borough, or federal lands.
Why do I need a permit?
A permit is required to enable the Division of Mining, Land and Water to manage the sustainable harvest of these biological resources for their continued use by future Alaskans.
Are there fees?
Because these resources belong to all Alaskans, fees are charged to ensure that the citizens share in the benefits of the commercial use of their resources. Commercial users pay a $160 application fee and minimum permit fee. If harvest levels exceed $160, then per unit fees that apply in addition. The fee schedule for NTFPs may be found in the Limited Non-Timber Forest Products Commercial Harvest Permit and 11 AAC 05.150.
Many commercial publications are available to assist you in identifying plants and other products. The University of Alaska Fairbanks' Extension Service also supplies resources. DNR published the Alaska Non-Timber Forest Products Harvest Manual to assist you with products that can be harvested, harvest protocols, quantity limits, seasonal restrictions, and selected references.
Generally Allowed Uses on State Land R.S. 2477 Rights-of-Way