Commercial Recreation Day Use Registration

All commercial recreation businesses that use state uplands, shorelands, tidelands, and submerged lands on a day-use basis with no camp or facility that remains overnight, whether occupied or unoccupied, must register pursuant to 11 AAC 96.018. The level of commercial recreation activities occurring on state land is increasing. Many of these activities do not require permits, therefore DNR has not been able to obtain much of the commercial use data needed to make informed land management decisions. DNR needs to collect information about where such uses are occurring, how many clients are recreating on state land and the type of activity that is occurring.
More detailed information may be found on the factsheet.
Please use the online system or printable form to register your commercial recreation day use on state uplands, shorelands, tidelands, and fresh water bodies. Businesses are required to register their commercial recreation day use in advance of the use each calendar year.
A new regulation effective December 7, 2002 generally allows day use of state land for commercial recreation purposes without a permit only if the business registers.
Please note: Commercial operators of aircraft, vessels, or watercraft that access or navigate, including ancillary use of State uplands, on navigable waters are not required to register. An ancillary use of State uplands are activities such as portaging or having lunch, but does not include more substantive activities such as camping or leading a nature hike. This exemption applies to aircraft, vessels, and watercraft that or used for navigation or transportation, and does not include platforms, structures, or other commercial facilities fixed in a location on navigable waters.
Please select your registration preference and continue.
Submit registration information using paper form
$80 (plus $4 each visitor day)
(PDF form is provided for printing. Please complete the form and submit it by mail or in person, along with payment, to one of the three offices listed on the form.) -
Complete registration online
$80 (plus $4 each visitor day)
(Payment may be made online using a credit card or by mailing a check/money order. Existing commercial recreation lease/permit holders should use this option to register their day use activities. Have your ADL/LAS number available before proceeding.)