Alaska Historical Commission

Alaska Historical Commission

Winter/Spring 2025 Meeting, TBA

The Alaska Historical Commission will meet via MS TEAMS to approve Certified Local Government grant applications and National Register of Historic Places nominations. Any person or group wishing to address the commission on the grant requests, National Register nominations, geographic name proposals, or any other historic preservation issue is invited to participate in the public comment session (Time TBA). To sign up, email OHA at


Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy recently appointed the Alaska Historical Commission to serve as Alaska's coordinating entity in planning the state's commemorative activities for the Semiquincentennial in 2026. In collaboration with America250 – the official nonpartisan initiative working to engage every American in celebrating and commemorating the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence – the America250-Alaska Task Force will work to honor the unique history, traditions, and contributions of the state while embracing the shared values and aspirations of the American people.

To learn more about the AM250AK:

America250 Alaska logo - History for Tomorrow
Alaska Historical Commission Members

Nancy Dahlstrom, Lieutenant Governor. Alaska Historical Commission Chair.
Juneau, Alaska

Judith E. Bittner, SHPO. Member per Alaska Statute.
Anchorage, Alaska

Mark Rollins: Meets 36 CFR 61 qualifications for Archaeology.
Anchorage, Alaska

Wayne Jensen: Meets 36 CFR 61 qualifications for Architecture.
Juneau, Alaska

VACANT: Alaska Historical Society Designated Seat.

Rebecca Poulson: Alaska Historical Society Designated Seat.
Sitka, Alaska

Forgiveness Kochanowski: Public Member.
Anchorage, Alaska

Jonathon S. Ross: Indigenous Ethnic Group Representative Seat.
Chugiak, Alaska

VACANT: Historian Seat.

Harriet Dinegar Milks: Attorney for Alaska Historical Commission.
Alaska Department of Law

D. Roy Mitchell: Geographic Names Advisor.
Alaska Native Language Preservation & Advisory Council