Office of History & Archaeology

The Office of History & Archaeology operates 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday - Friday. Closed on State Holidays.

The Alaska Heritage Resources Survey (AHRS) section at OHA is open Monday - Thursday, 9:00-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m. with the exception of State Holidays. Special appointments, which require prior arrangement and compelling circumstances, may be requested by contacting the AHRS Coordinator (907-269-8718).

Office of History & Archaeology
550 West 7th Avenue
Suite 1310
Anchorage, AK 99501

To request access to the AHRS:
To submit projects to SHPO:
To submit applications for investigations on state lands:
To submit National Register Nominations and general inquiries:

History & Archaeology Staff

Chief; OHA and SHPO

Judith E. Bittner
(907) 269-8715

Deputy SHPO/State Historian

Katie Ringsmuth
(907) 269-8714

State Archaeologist/Deputy SHPO

Richard VanderHoek
(907) 269-8728

Administrative Staff

Desk/Mainline: (907) 269-8756

Grant Administrator

Kathleen Tarr - Grants Administrator 2, (907) 269-8694

Special Projects Unit

Nick Schmuck - Archaeologist, (907) 269-8723

Review and Compliance

Sarah Meitl - Coordinator, (907) 269-8720
Elyse Applegate - DOT Liaison, (907) 269-8944
McKenzie Herring - Archaeologist, (907) 269-8726
Amy Hellmich - Architectural Historian, (907) 269-8724
Molly Herron - Archaeologist, (907) 269-8734

Architectural Historian/CLG Coordinator

Maria Lewis - Architectural Historian, (907) 269-8717


Jeffrey Weinberger - Archaeologist, (907) 269-8718
Fawn Cropley - Archaeologist, (907) 269-8748
Rachel Carraway - Natural Resource Technician III, (907) 269-8785
Mary Sine - Natural Resource Specialist II, (907) 269-8749

Archaeological Survey Unit

Adam Brinkman - Archaeologist III, (907) 269-8713
Abby Charles - Historian I, (907) 269-0429
Katie Ollesch - Archaeologist I, 907-269-8716