Pebble Project

Project Description
The Pebble Project is a copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry deposit in the advanced exploration stage of development. The project is located on state land in the Bristol Bay Region of southwest Alaska, approximately 17 miles northwest of the community of Iliamna.
The Project consists of two contiguous deposits. Pebble West is a near surface resource of approximately 4.1 billion metric tons. Pebble East is significantly deeper than Pebble West and contains an estimated resource at 3.4 billion metric tons.
Advanced exploration, concurrent reclamation, care and maintenance, and field sampling and monitoring activities are on-going.
None at this time.
Financial Assurance
None at this time.
Permits and Approvals
Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Temporary Water Use Authorizations (TWUAs)
Annual Reports and Meetings
No annual meetings at this time.
Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) Annual Reclamation Reports
Technical Reports
Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment EPA 404(c) Action
Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment Action
April 29, 2014
State of Alaska Attorney General’s Office response to EPA on CWA 404(c) review:
Letter to EPA PDFFebruary 28, 2014
EPA press release and other information on Clean Water Act 404(c) action: letter to State of Alaska and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers initiating CWA 404 (c) action:
Bristol Bay 15 day letter PDFJanuary 21, 2014
EPA Final Report "An Assessment of Potential Mining Impacts on Salmon Ecosystems of Bristol Bay.": 28, 2013
State of Alaska Comments on EPA's Second External Review Draft of Bristol Bay Assessment:
June 28, 2013 Comment Letter DNR Com. Sullivan and Alaska AG Geraghty to US EPA PDFJune 6, 2013
The comment period on the revised draft assessment expired June 30, 2013.
April 26, 2013
The Revised Draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment is now available for download or viewing from the EPA Bristol Bay website. This Executive Summary presents an overview of the revised document.
The comment period on the revised draft assessment expired May 31, 2013.
On May 18, 2012, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released for public comment a draft study of the Bristol Bay watershed and its natural resources. The public comment period for the Draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment closed on July 23, 2012. Information on the study is available from EPA at
The State of Alaska submitted comments from the Office of the Attorney General and from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Office of Project Management and Permitting (OPMP). DNR's comment letter attached page-specific technical comments compiled from multiple agencies. Links to the comments and supporting documents are listed below:
DNR Office of Permitting and Project Management
Department of Law Office of the Attorney General
EPA has also posted the comments it received on the study which are available at the following link: View all public comments submitted during the comment period (Docket EPA-HQ-ORD-2012-0276)
Inspections and Field Reports
Inspections and Field Reports
Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) Data Releases
Posted April 2011 as part of a commitment to shared information, the Pebble Partnership has provided this environmental and socio-economic baseline data to state and federal agencies, project stakeholders, and the general public prior to project permitting.
The information contained in these reports is preliminary and is not to be cited or quoted.
Pre Permitting Environmental/Socio-Economic Data Report Series
Report A - Meteorology
Report B - Surface Water Hydrology
Report D - Groundwater Hydrology
Report E - Trace Elements - Soils and Sediments
Report F - Surface Water Quality
Report G - Natural Occurring Constituents
Report H - Macroinvertebrates and Preiphyton
Report J - Nearshore Fish and Benthic Invertebrates
Report N - Terrestrial Wildlife and Habitat
Draft Environmental Baseline Studies
2008 Draft Study Plans
2007 Draft Study Plans
2006 Draft Study Plans
2005 Draft Study Plans and Field Sample Plans
2004 Draft Study Plan
2004 Progress Reports
Technical Working Groups
The Pebble Project Technical Working Groups (TWGs) were created to facilitate pre-application state and federal agency discussions with the project proponent, Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP). TWG meetings began in mid-2007 and covered a wide array of topics as seen in the meeting minutes below. This voluntary process regarding environmental and project design studies was suspended by PLP in January 2010; communications between the PLP and individual agencies then continued through conventional channels and procedures.
Technical Working Groups
Pebble Project Technical Working Group (TWG) Steering Committee
The Pebble Project TWG Steering Committee is composed of the primary leads from participating state and federal agencies. The TWG Steering Committee, and Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) as applicant, will convene on at least a quarterly basis initially, and then as frequently as appropriate. It's role will be to guide the scope of the Technical Working Groups (TWGs) and coordinate TWG assignments to prevent overlap and/or study review gaps that could occur between TWGs, and to address issues or concerns raised by TWG leaders or groups. TWGs will not function as a consensus or decision-making authority.
The minutes below reflect discussion of suggestions and concerns raised by individuals during TWG meetings. Discussion does not reflect any decision-making or consensus from the group (with the exception of choosing a lead).
October 27, 2009 Meeting Minutes PDF May 19, 2009 Meeting Minutes PDF March 26, 2009 Meeting Minutes PDF January 16, 2009 Meeting Minutes PDF November 14, 2008 Meeting Minutes PDF June 10, 2008 Meeting Minutes PDF January 30, 2008 Meeting Minutes PDF August 23, 2007 Meeting Minutes PDF July 19, 2007 Meeting Minutes PDFWater Right Applications
Complete Water Right Applications submitted by Northern Dynasty Mines Inc.
2010 Unpermitted Water Withdrawals Settlement
2010 Unpermitted Water Withdrawals Settlement
Other Supporting Documents
Kate Harper
Large Mine Coordinator
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Office of Project Management and Permitting
Phone: (907) 465-6849
Fax: (907) 465-3886
Mail to:
550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 1430
Anchorage, AK 99501
Visit at:
550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 1430
Anchorage, AK 99501