Knik River Public Use Area

Consistent with AS 38.05.850, DNR issues miscellaneous land use authorizations for activities on state owned lands within the Knik River Public Use Area (PUA). The most common land use authorizations issued in the PUA are land use permits, public access easements, and site easements. Land use permits can provide authorization for commercial recreation activities, cross-country travel of heavy equipment, large organized events, trail works, and improvements to facilities. Public access easements and site easements reserve state land for specific uses such as trails (motorized and non-motorized), facility development, and associated maintenance activities.
The KRPUA Land Manager now has a local field office located at 17704 Sullivan Avenue, Suite 111 inside the new Mat-Su Borough Parks and Rec Maintenance Shop. Regular office hours haven't been established yet, but will be posted once they are finalized.