Alaska Grown Source Book 2016-2017 Edition

The Division of Agriculture publishes the "Alaska Grown Source Book" online in response to numerous requests from the public and industry. This directory depends on the response of producers and does not claim to include all producers or sellers.
The Division of Agriculture is not responsible for changes from the growers as to what products they may have available. If you are aware of an omission or error, please contact the Division of Agriculture at (907)745-7200 or via the email address below.
To be added to the Source Book (or to request changes to your listing) email ( the following information:
Region (Interior, Kenai Peninsula, SC, SE, SW)
Farm name & if you are an Alaska Grown member
Name, address, telephone number, email and web address if applicable
Payment methods accepted Selling locations (include CSA or Upick )
Any additional information Farm products available
Or complete the Source Book application, print, and mail it to:
Marketing / Division of Agriculture
1800 Glenn Highway, Suite 12
Palmer, AK 99645
To browse and search the online Source Book, visit one of the links below.
Online List of Alaska Farms, Markets and Services
All Alaska Farms
Interior Farms
Kenai Peninsula Farms
South Central Farms
South East Farms
South West Farms
All Alaska Farmer's Markets
Alaska Farmer's Market Brochure
Farm Services Businesses
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Locations
Alaska Greenhouses and Nurseries
U-Pick Locations
Seasonal Produce Availability Chart