Fees for Surveys and Platting
The fees for survey and platting are found in 11 AAC 05.240. These fees are currently reduced by director's order to the rates below. If you have any questions about how the fee regulations apply to your project, please contact our survey section at (907) 269-8523.
Additional Hours Costs
Each fee paid includes a maximum amount of allotted staff time (listed below).
Each additional hour of actual staff time will incur an additional fee of $75 per hour.
Request For Proposal
Staff Time
First Copy
Each Additional Copy
Plat Review Within State Owned Land (under AS 38.04.045)
Staff Time
For first two reviews on one parcel or tract, plus:
40 hrs
For each additional parcel or tract on first two reviews
+ $160
4 hrs
For third and each additional review
+ $400
13 hrs
For each additional parcel or tract on third and each additional review
+ $160
5.5 hrs
For final plat approval and signing
+ $0
For each additional staff hour above allotted staff time
+ $75
1 hr
Plat Review Within The Unorganized Borough (under AS 40.15.305)
Staff Time
For first two reviews on first two parcels or tracts for each plat, plus:
27 hrs
For each additional parcel or tract on first two reviews for each plat
+ $80
+ 3 hrs
For third and each additional review of a plat
+ $320
+ 11 hrs
For each additional parcel or tract on third and each additional review of a plat
+ $40
+ 1.5 hrs
For final plat approval and signing
+ $0
For a petition to replat an existing approved plat (including a Boundary Vacation) under 11 AAC 53.730
13 hrs
For an extension of time to submit a final plat of a replatunder 11 AAC 53.730(e)
1 hr
For each additional staff hour above allotted staff time
+ $75
+ 1 hr
Plat Review For A Vacation, Modification, Or Relocation Of Easement/Right-Of-Way (under 11 AAC 51.065)
Staff Time
For a plat review for a vacation, modification, or relocation of easement/right-of-way
6 hrs
For each additional staff hour above allotted staff time
+ $75
+ 1 hr
As-Built Plat Review For An Easement Or Right-Of-Way (under 11 AAC 05.240)
Staff Time
For first two reviews on one plat sheet, plus:
5.5 hrs
For each additional plat sheet on first two reviews
+ $80
+ 2.5 hrs
For third and each additional review on one plat sheet
+ $40
+ 1.5 hrs
For each additional plat sheet on third and each additional review
+ $40
+ 1.5 hrs
For final plat approval and signing
+ $0
For each additional staff hour above allotted staff time
+ $75
+ 1 hr
Issuance or Amendment of Survey Instructions (under 11 AAC 05.240)
Staff Time
For conveyances for a municipal entitlement, municipal tideland or submerged lands,
public and charitable, or preference right under AS 38.04.045
67 hrs
For a land sale, lease or any other type of survey under AS 38.04.045
40 hrs
For an easement or right-of-way vacation or relocation under 11 AAC 51.065
40 hrs
For a linear easement or right-of-way (based on length in miles) of an as-built plat on upland, shoreland, tideland or submerged land (includes up to two landings):
For first segment of no more than 0.5 miles in length
For first segment greater than 0.5 miles but no more than 1 mile in length
8 hrs
For each additional 6-mile segment or portion thereof in excess of 1 mile in length on upland or tideland
+ $120
+ 4 hrs
For each additional 6-mile segment or portion thereof in excess of 1 mile in length on shoreland or submerged land
+ $32
+ 1 hr
For third and each additional landing
+ $120
+ 4 hrs
For a non-linear easement or right-of-way (based on area in acres) of an as-built plat on upland, shoreland, tideland or submerged land (includes up to two landings):
For first segment of no more than 1 acre in area
For first segment greater than 1 acre but no more than 3 acres in area
8 hrs
For each additional 12-acre segment or portion thereof in excess of 3 acres in area
+ $120
+ 4 hrs
For third and each additional landing
+ $120
+ 4 hrs
For each additional staff hour above allotted staff time
+ $75
+ 1 hr