Potentially Hazardous Sites WebMap
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This WebMap is not a comprehensive list of contamination in Alaska and is only a tool for viewing potential contamination and potentially hazardous sites provided by the included data sets.
The DNR (Department of Natural Resources) Potentially Hazardous Sites WebMap is an online web application designed to display potentially hazardous sites inventoried by DNR SAIL (Statewide Abatement of Impaired Land) section in DNR's Land Administration system (LAS). Sites in LAS are typically on general state land managed by DNR.
Potentially Hazardous sites inventoried by ADNR are represented by points, lines, and polygons. These sites include potential hazards, including geologic hazards, identified in DNR's 9015 file type and landfills identified in DNR's 9016 file type. For more information on a potentially hazardous site, click on a feature and a link is available that will take you to the online file for each site.