Nanuuq (Rock Creek) Mine

Project Description
The Rock Creek Mine is located along the west coast of Alaska on the Seward Peninsula, 6 miles north of Nome, on private lands owned by Sitnasuak Native Corporation (surface rights), Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC) (subsurface rights) and Alaska Gold Company, LLC (AGC) (land). The mine was operated by Alaska Gold Company, LLC (AGC), under the ownership of NOVAGOLD Resources Inc. (NOVAGOLD), from September 2008 to November 2008 when Rock Creek Mine was placed into care and maintenance. Phase I Reclamation was completed by AGC in October 2012.
Bering Straits Native Corporation purchased Alaska Gold Company, LLC and all its interests, including the Rock Creek Mine, from NOVAGOLD in November 2012. Final phases of reclamation were completed by AGC (under BSNC) in 2015 and 2016.
None at this time.
Financial Assurance
Permits and Approvals
Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Rock Creek Mine Reclamation Plan Approval (F20159578) PDF (5/21/2015) DNR Removal from State Dam Safety Jurisdiction Rock Creek Tailings Storage Facility Dam (NID no. AK00309) PDF (9/13/2012)U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District
Dept. of the Army Permit POA-2006-742-4, Rock Creek PDF (8/21/2006) Dept. of the Army Permit POA-2006-742-M, Rock Creek PDF Dept of the Army Permit POA-2006-742-M3, Rock Creek PDFAnnual Reports and Meetings
Other Supporting Documents
Carolyn Curley
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Large Mine Permitting Team
Phone: (907) 451-2795
Fax: (907) 451-2703
Email Carolyn Curley
Mail or Visit at:
3700 Airport Way
Fairbanks, AK 99709-4699