Red Dog Mine Archive

Financial Assurance
Permits and Approvals
Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Large Mine Permitting Program
Water Resources
Dam Safety
Water Supply Dam
Tailings Main Dam
Tailings Back Dam
Mine Water Diversion Dam
Archived Project Documents submitted by Applicant
Suspension Costs Estimate (Excel Based) (available upon request)
Closure Costs Estimate (Excel Based) (available upon request)
Post Closure Costs Estimate (Excel Based) (available upon request)
Red Dog Mine Reclamation and Closure Plan Amendment 1 PDF (May 2018) Red Dog Mine Reclamation and Closure Plan Amendment 2 PDF (February 2018) Red Dog Mine Reclamation and Closure Plan Amendment 3 PDF (July 2019) Red Dog Mine Reclamation and Closure Plan Amendment 4 PDF (September 2020)Environmental Audits
Red Dog Mine Extension - Aqqaluk Project
Red Dog Mine Extension - Aqqaluk Project
EPA Supplemental EIS (October 2009)
Aqqaluk Project NEPA Process
On May 4, 2007, Teck Cominco Alaska Incorporated (TCAK) requested a modification to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit AK-003865-2 to include the development of the Aqqaluk Project. The Aqqaluk deposit is located adjacent to the existing main deposit.
Modifying the NPDES permit to include development of the Aqqaluk deposit triggered a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review, with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as the lead agency. The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (COE), State of Alaska, National Park Service (NPS), and nine tribal governments represented by the Maniilaq Association (the Native Village of Buckland, the Native Village of Kiana, the Native Village of Kivalina, the Native Village of Kobuk, the Native Village of Kotzebue, the Native Village of Noatak, the Noorvik Native Community, the Native Village of Selawik, and the Native Village of Shungnak) will participate closely as cooperating agencies. A Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) must be completed, to update the environmental impact statement developed in 1984 when the first NPDES permit was issued for discharges from the mine.
Scoping is the first step in the NEPA public process. The scoping process began when EPA published the Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an SEIS in the Federal Register on August 31, 2007. Information related to this process, including the scoping document for public and agency review and comment, can be downloaded at:
EPA will host four Aqqaluk Project scoping open houses/public meetings. he times and locations of the open houses/public meetings are as follows:
Anchorage | October 2, 2007 |
Kotzebue | October 3, 2007 |
Noatak | October 4, 2007 |
Kivalina | October 5, 2007 |
Each scoping meeting will include an informal open house held from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. This will be followed by a public meeting from 6:30 to 9:00 PM that will include a presentation of the project by EPA and the cooperating agencies and formal public testimony.
The scoping comment period will end on October 15, 2007. EPA will then review all comments, identify the issues, and distribute a final scoping document along with a scoping responsiveness summary to the public and to the State and Federal agencies and Tribal governments by the end of November 2007. The scoping responsiveness summary will summarize comments received during the scoping period and describe how EPA intends to respond to them during the SEIS process.
Following the scoping process and identification of issues, the third party contractor, Tetra Tech, Inc., will prepare an SEIS under EPA’s direction. The public is welcome to participate throughout the SEIS process, and there are specific points at which public input is specifically sought. These are listed below, along with their tentative dates, though schedule changes will likely occur.
Public participation process: | |
Distribution of Draft SEIS for public/agency review | Summer 2008 |
Draft SEIS open houses and public hearings | Summer 2008 |
Close of public/agency Draft SEIS review period | Late Summer 2008 |
Distribution of Final SEIS | December 2008 |
EPA Record of Decision and NPDES permit decision | Open |
Annual Reports and Meetings
2019 Annual Reports
2018 Annual Reports
2017 Annual Reports
2016 Annual Meeting and Reports
2016 Annual Meeting
1:00 PM
2016 Annual Reports
2016 Annual Report and 2016 4Q Monitoring Report PDF2015 Annual Meeting and Reports
1:00 PM
2014 Annual Meeting and Reports
2:00 PM
Web-based Meeting
2013 Annual Meeting and Reports
1:00 PM
Web-based Meeting
2012 Annual Meeting and Reports
1:30 PM
Web-based Meeting
2011 Annual Meeting and Reports
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Web-based Meeting
Other Supporting Documents
November 2022 Public Notice
A Public Notice has been posted for five Water Rights case files relevant to the Red Dog Mine - AS 33141, 33147, 33149, 33151, and 33638.
2022 Public Notice of Applications for Water Rights
2021 Submissions and notice for Waste Management Plan, Reclamation Plan and Plan of Operations
PUBLIC NOTICE: Red Dog Mine Applications and Draft State Decisions
On July 2, 2021, the State of Alaska is releasing the following submissions and draft state decisions relating to the Red Dog Mine for public review and comment. The project applicant, Teck Alaska Incorporated (TAK), requests state authorizations associated with ongoing operations.
The Red Dog Mine is an open pit zinc and lead mine, located in northwestern Alaska on private land owned by NANA Regional Corporation, with some support facilities located on State of Alaska lands. It currently consists of two open pit mines, a mill for processing ore, a tailings impoundment, waste rock storage areas, and support facilities. After processing, lead and zinc concentrates are transported from the mine facilities via a 52-mile road to a port facility located on the Chukchi Sea.
Further information on how to comment can be found below, in the newspaper Arctic Sounder display ad posted Thursdays July 8 and July 15, 2021, or via the State Online Public Notice.
(draft permits and approvals, submissions, and support documents)
Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Mining, Land and Water (DMLW), has prepared draft Reclamation Plan Approval (F20219958RPA) DNR, DMLW, has prepared draft Millsite Lease Plan of Operations Approval (F20219958POA) Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation has prepared draft Waste Management Permit No. 2021DB0001 for management of mine water, tailings and other solid wastes at the Red Dog Mine site Integrated Waste Management Plan Red Dog Mine, Alaska, USA June 2021 Quality Assurance Project Plan Red Dog Mine, Alaska, USA September 2018 Plan of Operations, Red Dog Mine Millsite Lease ADL 233521, June 2021 Reclamation Plan Red Dog Mine, Alaska, USA June 2021ADL 233521: Millsite Lease to Support Mining
ADL 233521: Millsite Lease to Support Mining at Red Dog Mine and Associated Plan of Operations
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining, Land and Water (DMLW) has received a request from Teck Alaska Incorporated (TAK), 3105 Lakeshore Drive, Building A, Suite 101, Anchorage, AK 99517, operators of the Red Dog Mine, to issue a Millsite Lease, ADL 233521, and for approval of the Millsite Lease Plan of Operations, to support mining operations at the adjacent Red Dog Mine.
The Millsite location is on the western boundary of the Red Dog Mine site. The Millsite location is in the Kateel River Meridian, Township 031 North, Range 019 West; SE1/4 of Section 24, E1/2 of Section 25, and NE1/4 of Section 36. Total acreage equals 640 acres.
TAK is currently requesting to utilize the lands within the proposed Millsite Lease boundary as a part of the Red Dog Mine Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) located adjacent to the proposed Lease. Physical tailings are proposed to be disposed of within the floor of a previously approved Material Site (ADL 420972). Additional area within the proposed Lease boundary is being requested to accommodate the TSF final lake elevation and for a potential future emergency spillway.
This is a notice to the public for the application of a Millsite Lease pursuant to AS 38.05.255 and approval of the Millsite Lease Plan of Operation under 11 AAC 86.150. As such, these documents do not require a written finding under subsections of AS 38.05.035(e) or any applicable regulations. Comments about the Millsite Lease and the Plan of Operations Approval will receive consideration, provided they are received, in writing, by March 5, 2020 5:00pm AKST. To submit comments or for direct inquiries, contact Richard R. Lessard, 550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 900B, Anchorage, AK 99501, fax # 907-269-8949, phone # 907-269-7889.
DMLW reserves the right to waive technical defects in this publication.
Supporting Documents - Teck Alaska Incorporated
Supporting Documents - Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
August 2016 Public Notice
PUBLIC NOTICE: Red Dog Mine Applications and Draft State Decisions
On August 11, 2016, the State of Alaska is releasing the following application materials and draft state decisions relating to the Red Dog Mine for public review and comment. The project applicant, Teck Alaska Incorporated (TAK), requests state authorizations associated with ongoing operations.
- Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining, Land and Water, has prepared draft Reclamation Plan Approval (F20169958).
- Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation has prepared draft Waste Management Permit No. 2016DB0002 for management of mine water, tailings and other solid wastes at the Red Dog Mine site.
The Red Dog Mine is an open pit zinc and lead mine, located in northwestern Alaska on private land owned by NANA Regional Corporation, with some support facilities located on State of Alaska lands. It currently consists of an open pit mine, a mill for processing ore, a tailings impoundment, waste rock storage areas, and support facilities. After processing, lead and zinc concentrates are transported from the mine facilities via a 52-mile road to a port facility located on the Chuckchi Sea.
The public comment period has been set at 33 days. A standard comment period lasts for 30 days. You can comment in writing.
- Draft Red Dog Mine Reclamation Plan Approval F20169958
- Red Dog Mine Reclamation and Closure Plan August 2016
- Suspension Costs Estimate (Excel Based) (available upon request)
- Closure Costs Estimate (Excel Based) (available upon request)
- Post Closure Costs Estimate (Excel Based) (available upon request)
- Draft Waste Management Permit (2016DB0002)
- Red Dog Mine Integrated Waste Management Plan August 2016
- Red Dog Mine Quality Assurance Plan August 2016
- Red Dog Mine Reclamation and Closure Plan August 2016
- Suspension Costs Estimate (Excel Based) (available upon request)
- Closure Costs Estimate (Excel Based) (available upon request)
- Post Closure Costs Estimate (Excel Based) (available upon request)
June 2009 Public Notice
On June 11 2009, the State of Alaska is releasing applications and two draft authorizations relating to the Red Dog Mine for a 60-day public review and comment period. The project applicant, Teck Alaska Incorporated, has submitted a Final Closure and Reclamation Plan for ongoing operations and the development of the Aqqaluk deposit.
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining, Land and Water, has prepared draft Reclamation Plan Approval (F20099958).
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation has prepared draft Waste Management Permit No. 0132-BA002 for management of mine water, tailings and other solid wastes at the Red Dog Mine site.
Further information on upcoming presentations and public hearings and how to comment can be found below. A Public Notice display ad was published in The Arctic Sounder and Anchorage Daily News.
Kivalina | Noatak | Kotzebue | |
Monday, July 6 2009 |
Tuesday, July 7 2009 |
Wednesday, July 8 2009 |
Kivalina School Gym |
Noatak School Gym |
Northwest Arctic Borough Assembly Chambers |
Presentation and Discussion: | 1pm to 3pm | 1pm to 3pm | 10am to noon |
Public Hearing: | 3pm to 5pm | 3pm to 5pm | 2pm to 4pm |
Kotzebue Presentations
Teck Alaska Incorporated Red Dog Closure Planning and Waste Management Permit
State of Alaska, DNR
State of Alaska, DEC
The documents associated with this public notice are grouped into two sections: 1) documents available for public comment, and 2) documents provided as background only, not subject to public comment. The draft permits, application letters, and main body of the Red Dog Mine Closure and Reclamation Plan are all available for public comment. Various plans presented as supporting documents associated with the Reclamation Plan are also available for comment. The public can also comment on the Cost Estimates.
Applications, draft State Authorizations, and Support Documents
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining, Land and Water, has prepared draft Reclamation Plan Approval (F20099958). Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation has prepared draft Waste Management Permit No. 0132-BA002 for management of mine water, tailings and other solid wastes at the Red Dog Mine site.
Application Cover Letters:
DEC Waste Management Permit with Nana Letter of Consent
DNR Reclamation Plan Approval with Nana Letter of Consent
Red Dog Mine Closure and Reclamation Plan
Closure and Reclamation Plan Supporting Documents:
Supporting Document B: Plans of Operations
B1 Red Dog Mine Development Plan
B2 Plan of Operations for Waste Rock Management
B3 Plan of Operations for Tailings and Water Management
Supporting Document F: Reclamation and Revegetation
F3 Revegetation Plan for the Red Dog Mine
Supporting Document I: Monitoring Plans
Red Dog Mine, Waste Management, Reclamation and Closure Monitoring
- Quality Assurance Plan for the Red Dog Mine Water Quality Monitoring
- Methods for Aquatic Life Monitoring to Satisfy 1998 NPDES Permit
- Assay Laboratory Quality Assurance SOP
Supporting Document J: Cost Estimates
J1 Basis of Estimate - Cost Estimate
J2 Basis of Estimate - Post-Closure Costs
J3 Basis of Estimate - Suspension Costs
Memorandum - State of Alaska, Department of Revenue, Treasury
The following Supporting Documents are provided to the public as background information. They are not subject to public comment.
Closure and Reclamation Plan Supporting Documents
Supporting Document A: Consultation & Property Description
A1 Closure Workshops (contact Jack DiMarchi for CD)
A2 Legal Description of Property
Supporting Document C: Geotechnical
C1 Main Waste Stockpile Stability Assessments
C2 Drawings from Updated Geotechnical Report
C3 Dam History Report
C4 Preliminary Conceptual Design Report
C5 Stability Analysis for Future Raises to Closure
C6 Seepage Analysis Report
C7 Drawings from Back Dam Investigation and Design
C8 Preliminary Spillway Design
Supporting Document D: Geochemistry
D1 Consolidation of Studies on Geochemical Characterization of Waste Rock
and Tailings
D2 Supporting Geochemical Review and Interpretation
D3 Aqqaluk Geochemistry - Supplemental Testing Program
D4 Lime Requirements and Predicted Geochemical Changes
Supporting Document E: Water Management
E1 Red Dog Water and Load Balance
E2 Flood Frequency Update for Middle Fork Red Dog Creek
E3 Red Dog Creek Rediversion Design Criteria & Plan
E4 Assessment of Water Treatment Methods Applicable for Closure
E5 Assessment of Methods for Managing Post-Closure Water Treatment Sludge
Supporting Document F: Reclamation and Revegetation
F1 Mine Area Closure Options - Summary of the Cover Studies
F2 Evaluation of Borrow Sources
Supporting Document G: Demolition
Demolition Cost Estimates
Supporting Document H: Ecological Risks
Evaluation of Ecological Risk within the Ambient Air/Solid Waste Permit
Supporting Document I: Monitoring Plans
Documents Supplemental to the Monitoring Plans:
- Long-Term Permafrost and Groundwater Monitoring Plan for the Tailing
- Fish Protection Barrier, Statement Of Work (SOW)
- Landfill, Main Waste Stockpile SOP
- Landfill, Old Mine SOP
- Draft - Fugitive Dust Risk Management Plan, Red Dog Operations,
- Operations and Maintenance Manual Rev. 5, Tailings Main Dam
- Operations and Maintenance Manual Rev. 1, Mine Water Diversion
- Operations and Maintenance Manual Rev. 2, Fresh Water Dam
- Certificate of Approval to Construct a Dam
The public comment period has been set at 60 days to allow extra time for comments. A standard comment period lasts for 30 days. However, due to the large volume of documents associated with this permitting process, the comment period has been increased to twice the standard duration. There are two ways to comment. You can comment verbally at any of the Public Hearings listed above, or you can submit comments in writing.
Sylvia Kreel
Large Project Coordinator
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Office of Project Management and Permitting
Phone: (907) 465-3177
Fax: : (907) 465-3886
Mail to:
PO Box 111030
Juneau, AK 99811-1030
Visit at:
400 Willoughby Ave, 4th Floor
Juneau, AK 99801