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Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Division of Mining, Land and Water

Red Dog Mine

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Project Description

The Red Dog Mine is an open pit, truck-and-loader operation using grinding and flotation processes to recover zinc and lead. The mine is located in northwestern Alaska, in the De Long Mountains of the Western Brooks Range, approximately 82 miles north of Kotzebue and 46 miles inland from the coast of the Chukchi Sea, on land owned by NANA Regional Corporation, Inc. (NANA). The Access to the mine is by air.

The project is a partnership between NANA and Teck Alaska Incorporated (Teck) (the operator). Red Dog Mine directly employed approximately 600 full-time workers in 2022, many are NANA Shareholders. The major Red Dog Mine facilities include the Red Dog Main Pit, Aqqaluk Pit, mill, Tailings Storage Facility, main waste stockpile, fresh water storage reservoir, water management systems, an airstrip, and Personnel Accommodations Complex (PAC). Power is supplied by on-site diesel generators.

The mine has been in operation since 1989, and operates 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. In 2022, Red Dog produced 553,100 metric tons (1.22 billion pounds) of zinc and 79,500 metric tons (175.3 million pounds) of lead. All concentrates are exported to world markets via the DeLong Mountain Transportation System that connects the mine to port facilities on the Chukchi Sea.


None at this time.

Financial Assurance

Mining Reclamation Financial Assurance 2022 PDF

Permits and Approvals

Large Mine Permitting Program

Water Resources

Dam Safety

Water Supply Dam
Tailings Main Dam
Tailings Back Dam
Mine Water Diversion Dam

Reports, Audits, and Annual Meetings

Other Supporting Documents


Archive of older financial assurance, permits, approvals, annual reports, and other supporting documents

Links to Related State Agency Publications

Department of Environmental Conservation

Department of Fish & Game, Habitat Section

Dept. of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health


Sylvia Kreel
Large Project Coordinator
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Office of Project Management and Permitting
Phone: (907) 465-3177
Fax: : (907) 465-3886

Mail to:
PO Box 111030
Juneau, AK 99811-1030

Visit at:
400 Willoughby Ave, 4th Floor
Juneau, AK 99801

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