Fort Knox Mine Archive

Permits and Approvals
Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Large Mine Permitting
Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
Waste Management
Project Approvals
Annual Reports and Meetings
Annual Reports and Meetings
2022 Annual Reports
Fort Knox Annual Activity Report 2022 PDF ADF&G Technical Report No. 23-01: Fish and Water Quality Monitoring at the Fort Knox Mine, 2022 PDF2021 Annual Reports
Fort Knox Annual Activity Report 2021 PDF ADF&G Technical Report No. 22-04: Fish and Water Quality Monitoring at the Fort Knox Mine, 2021 PDF2021 Annual Meeting
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Via Zoom
2020 Annual Meeting (Cancelled)
Fort Knox Annual Activity Report 2019 PDF Fort Knox Annual Activity Report 2019 & Fourth Quarter Monitoring PDF ADF&G Technical Report No. 20-03: Fish & Water Quality Monitoring 2019 PDF2019 Annual Meeting
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Fairbanks Gold Mining Company offices
Alaska USA Building, Suite 408, 1292 Sadler Way, Fairbanks, AK
2018 Annual Meeting
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Fairbanks Gold Mining Company offices
Alaska USA Building, Suite 408, 1292 Sadler Way, Fairbanks, AK
2017 Annual Meeting
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Fairbanks Gold Mining Company offices
Alaska USA Building, Suite 408, 1292 Sadler Way, Fairbanks, AK
2016 Annual Meeting
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Fairbanks Gold Mining Company offices
Alaska USA Building, Suite 408, 1292 Sadler Way, Fairbanks, AK
2015 Annual Meeting
9:00 PM to Noon
Fairbanks Gold Mining Company offices
Alaska USA Building, Suite 408, 1292 Sadler Way, Fairbanks, AK
2014 Annual Meeting
2 PM
Fairbanks Gold Mining Company offices
Alaska USA Building, Suite 408, 1292 Sadler Way, Fairbanks, AK
2013 Annual Meeting
9 AM
Fairbanks Gold Mining Company offices
Alaska USA Building, Suite 408, 1292 Sadler Way, Fairbanks, AK
2012 Annual Meeting
9 AM
Fairbanks Gold Mining Company offices
Alaska USA Building, Suite 408, 1292 Sadler Way, Fairbanks, AK
2011 Annual Meeting
Peger Business Center
3180 Peger Road, Suite 280, Fairbanks, AK
2010 Annual Meeting
Peger Business Center
3180 Peger Road, Suite 280, Fairbanks, AK
2009 Annual Meeting
1PM to 3PM
Princess Hotel
Fairbanks, AK
2008 Annual Meeting
9AM to 11AM
Princess Hotel
Fairbanks, AK
2007 Annual Meeting
9:30AM to Noon
Fairbanks, AK
Other Supporting Documents
Archived Project Documents submitted by FGMI
Five-Year Environmental Audits
February 2019
Environmental Compliance and Management Systems Audit Fort Knox Gold Mine
May 2012
Environmental Compliance and Management Systems Audit Fort Knox and True North Mines
March 1, 2004
Fort Knox Mine, True North Mine and Twin Creek Road
Archived Public Notices
March 2021 Public Notice
The deadline for comments is July 19th.
Millsite Lease ADL 233700 - Gil Satellite Pit
February 2020 Public Notice
The State of Alaska is releasing on February 14 the following permit applications and draft permits, public notice and decisions relating to the Fort Knox Mine for a 32-day public review and comment period. The project applicant, Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc (FGMI), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kinross Gold USA, Inc. FGMI is submitting applications for continued mining, milling, and heap leach operations along with reclamation plans for The Fort Knox Mine and facilities. The project area encompasses about 8,711 acres of State and private land, including about 5,828 acres under the Millsite Leases ADL 414960 and ADL 414961. Further information on how to comment can be found below, in the newspaper Public Notice or online Public Notice.
Draft permits, draft approvals, and support documents
April 2017 Public Notice
Comment period closed May 22, 2017
PUBLIC NOTICE: Barnes Creek Heap Leach Project, April 2017 The State of Alaska is releasing on April 21, 2017 the following permit modification request and draft permit, public notice and decisions relating to the Fort Knox Mine for a 32-day public review and comment period. The project applicant, Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc (FGMI), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kinross Gold Corporation. FGMI requested to install a new heap leach pad in the area formerly occupied by the Barnes Creek drainage, west of the ore crusher and conveyor. Further information on how to comment can be found below, or in the newspaper Public Notice display ad.
(draft permits and approvals, modification request, and support documents)
Draft Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of Water, Waste Management Permit 2014DB0002, Modification #1 PDF Draft Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining, Land and Water, Fort Knox Mine Reclamation and Closure Plan Approval F20149852RCP.1 (revision 1) PDF Permit Modification Request PDF Barnes Creek Heap Leach Design Final Revision 1 PDFHeap Leach Project, June 2006
Project Description
The Fort Knox Mine is an open-pit gold mine, located approximately 26 miles northeast of Fairbanks, Alaska. The operator proposes to add a heap leach gold recovery facility in the Walter Creek drainage. The mine was originally permitted in 1994, and currently produces about 330,000 ounces of gold annually. The mine site is located primarily on lands owned by the State of Alaska and the Mental Health Trust. Fairbanks Gold Mining Inc. (FGMI) employs 400-425 people at the mine and mill, which operate on two shifts, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
The valley fill heap leach will be located in the upper end of the Walter Creek drainage immediately upstream from the existing tailings storage facility (TSF). Excluding the haul road and access roads, the heap leach pad with an in-heap storage embankment and base platform will cover approximately 310 acres and will have a total capacity for leaching 165 million tons of ore. The haul road to the pad will cover approximately 40 additional acres. The pad is to be constructed in five stages, which are illustrated on Figure 1.2 of the Heap Leach Facility Project Description. Table 1.0 provides the area and tonnage planned for each stage of development. The clearing of brush and trees, initial earthwork in preparation of liner construction, the site access road, the portion of the in-heap embankment outside the pad limit, and establishment of drainage control will occur over the entire 310 acres at the beginning of the project. Within that area, 130 acres of lined pad will be constructed for the first two stages and loaded with ore. Each of the three additional stages will be constructed as needed for loading ore.
Lifts | Pad Area [Square Feet] |
Pad Area [Acres] |
Cumulative Leach Pad Area[Acres] |
Capacity By Stage [Thousand Tons] |
Cumulative Capacity [Thousand Tons] |
Stage 1 | 1-4 | 3,034,731 | 70 | 70 | 13,716 | 13,716 |
Stage 2 | 5-7 | 2,362,850 | 54 | 124 | 21,659 | 35,375 |
Stage 3 | 8-10 | 2,422,613 | 56 | 180 | 31,567 | 66,942 |
Stage 4 | 11-13 | 2,392,773 | 55 | 234 | 36,049 | 102,991 |
Stage 5 | 14-19 | 2,030,238 | 47 | 281 | 58,202 | 161,193 |
Ore for the heap leach pad will consist of run-of-mine rock from the Fort Knox Pit as well as lower grade ore that was previously placed in various stockpiles. The Barnes Creek and Fish Creek stockpiles currently contain 29 million tons of lower grade ore that will be loaded on the heap leach pad. The ore is characterized by relatively high permeability that will promote efficient flow in the heap for rapid solution recovery and drainage and for rapid rinsing at closure.
In-heap storage of process solution and storm water will be accomplished uphill of an embankment at the downstream toe of the heap. The rock that will be used to construct the embankment for the in-heap storage pond is sound, durable, and of high strength similar to the quality of the rock that has been used to construct the downstream random fill for the Fort Knox Mine Tailing Storage Facility (TSF).
The valley fill heap leach pad will be constructed with a 12-inch prepared subbase with a coefficient of permeability of less than 1×10-5 cm/sec overlain by a geomembrane liner of 80-mil thick LLDPE or similar material. Above the geomembrane liner, there will be an overliner consisting of 3 feet of crushed rock containing a network of pipes to promote rapid drainage. The overliner will protect the geomembrane liner during ore loading and will help promote leachate collection and maintain a low head on the geomembrane liner.
The facility will utilize in-heap storage to collect pregnant (gold-bearing) solution. In addition to providing the necessary operating capacity for pregnant solution, the in-heap storage pond will be sized to contain: (1) solution from a 24-hour drain down, plus (2) the runoff from the 100-year/24-hour storm event.
Beneath the in-heap storage pond, a Leachate Collection and Recovery System (LCRS) will be constructed between an overlying primary geomembrane liner and an underlying secondary geomembrane liner underlain by a 12-inch-thick layered prepared subbase. The LCRS will consist of a drainage layer that will report to a pump back system to return any solution passing through the primary liner back to the in-heap storage pond. The LCRS constructed in conjunction with the double liner in the area of the in-heap storage reservoir will provide leak monitoring and collection. A Process Component Monitoring System (PCMS) will be constructed under the main header lines for the solution collection system, outside of the LCRS, providing additional leak detection. An underdrain system consisting of a network of drainage channels containing drain rock will route water from baseflow in Walter Creek, and other seeps and springs under the subbase to the tailing impoundment providing a third level of leak detection.
Barren (non-gold-bearing) solution will be applied on the heap leach using drip emitters, or possibly sprinklers during the warm months. The solution will flow through the run-of-mine ore. Pregnant solution will flow to the in-heap storage reservoir, which will have an operating capacity of about 68 million gallons, or 9.1 million cubic feet. The pregnant (gold-bearing) solution that collects in the wells in the in-heap storage reservoir will be pumped to the Carbon-In-Columns (CIC) plant using vertical pumps located in the solution collection wells. Barren solution and pregnant solution will be pumped in pipes between the pad and the CIC plant. Loaded carbon will be processed in the existing Fort Knox mill facilities.
The heap leach pad will be located immediately upstream of the tailing impoundment. The tailing dam is a zoned, earth-filled structure designed to hold tailing and process water from the mill as well as surface runoff water. The dam is designed and will be maintained to contain the 100-year/24-hour storm event and the average 30-day spring breakup plus provide 3 feet of freeboard. During the time of operation of the heap leach pad, the tailings dam will remain operational and the minimum allowable freeboard will be increased to include the full volume of the in-heap storage pond, for the extremely unlikely event of a catastrophic failure of the heap leach pad embankment dam. The tailing impoundment is a zero discharge facility. The mill recycles water from the tailing impoundment for reuse in the beneficiation process. The water in the tailing impoundment will also be utilized for the heap leach process.
Public Notice
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) and the State of Alaska are releasing on June 29, 2006 the following applications and draft permit, public notice and decisions relating to the Fort Knox Mine for a 30-day public review and comment period. The project applicant, Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc (FGMI), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kinross Gold Corporation. Further information on the upcoming public hearing and how to comment can be found below, or in the newspaper Public Notice display ad.
(draft permits and approvals, applications and support documents)
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) has prepared a Draft Plan of Operations Amendment Approval (including a Draft Reclamation Plan Approval) and a Draft Addendum to the Millsite Lease.
Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR)
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC)
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has prepared a draft Waste Management Permit (2006-DB0043) for disposal of tailings, mined material to be placed on a heap leach facility, and inert solid wastes at the Fort Knox Mine. ADEC also anticipates that it will issue a certification of the 404 permit to be prepared by ACOE authorizing the placement of fill in wetlands.
Draft Waste Management Permit (2006-DB0043) PDF Waste Management Permit Application PDFDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SECTION 404 PERMIT
ACOE is publishing the public notice for an application for a Department of the Army permit pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The applicant proposes to update and renew the Fort Knox Reclamation and Closure Plan per the terms of FGMI's Corps permit 4-920574, Fish Creek 23. Additionally, the applicant proposes to modify condition 9.a. of the above-cited permit by removing specific acreage requirements and adopting general size and distribution requirements for vegetative and open water communities. Further, FGMI is proposing to adopt a functional value approach to the restoration work, specifically to restore 110% of the pre-Fort Knox development function of wetlands and aquatic features within the Millsite lease. The Public Notice can be reviewed at the ACOE's website at:
Applicant: | Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc. |
Closing Date: | 31 July 2006 |
Application Number: | POA-1992-574-T |
Application date: | 29 June 2006 |
Waterway / Nearest Community: | Fish Creek, Fairbanks |
Previously, on June 2nd, ACOE published a public notice for an FGMI 404 permit application proposing to construct, operate, and then close a heap leach facility. The Public comment period for that permit application, POA-1992-574-S, was set to close on July 3rd, but was extended to July 31st. It can also be reviewed at the ACOE's website
Applicant: | Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc. |
Closing Date: | 3 July 2006 |
Revised Closing Date: | 31 July 2006 |
Application Number: | POA-1992-574-S |
Application date: | 2 June 2006 |
Waterway / Nearest Community: | Fish Creek, Fairbanks |
Monday, July 17, 2006
The Carlson Center, Pioneer Meeting Room
2010 2nd Avenue
Project Presentation and Discussion: 6 to 8 p.m.
Public Hearing: 8 to 9 p.m.
Final permits and public process documents were issued on July 3, 2007 by the State of Alaska for the Fort Knox Mine Heap Leach Project. A record of the public process is on the A new Reclamation Plan was issued in 2012.
2007 State Agency Response to Public Comments on Draft Authorizations for the Fort Knox Mine Heap Leach Project PDF (issued 7/3/2007) Letters of Support PDF Letters of Concern PDFContact
Kindra Geis
Large Project Coordinator
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Office of Project Management and Permitting
Phone:(907) 451-2715
Mail or Visit at:
550 W. 7th Ave., Suite 1430
Anchorage, AK 99501