Donlin Gold Mine Archive

Easement Action Final Decisions
The final decisions for the Donlin easement actions were issued on November 1, 2022, and the associated documents can be found in the list below.
EV-244 FFD Cover Letter PDF EV 3-224 Final Finding and Decision PDF
Easement's FFD Cover Letter PDF Final Finding and Decision for ADLs 236624, 234025, and 234035 PDF
Exhibit 1 - Donlin Mine Easement Plan Diagrams PDF Exhibit 2 - Donlin Mine Public Easement Plan PDF
2022 Donlin Easement Actions Public Notices
June 28, 2022 through August 15, 2022
There are eight historic easements within the Donlin Gold Mine's core operating area in which the State of Alaska holds an interest. The backbone of the easements near the mine site is referred to as FAS 231, which cuts across the west side of the mine site. The other seven easements are either rarely used trails that connect with FAS 231 or are short alternative trail segments that inter-connect with other trails entirely within the core operating area. During active mining operations, it will not be safe for the public to use these easements. To minimize this danger, Donlin Gold, LLC has applied with DNR for the following easement actions:
- An Easement Vacation to permanently vacate seven of the easements within the core operating area. Replacement easements will be donated by the private landowners (Donated Easements 1-6) to the State for orderly and continuous access through the area. Of note, FAS 231 will not be vacated. (EV 3-244)
- An Easement across State-owned lands on the west and north sides of the core operating area to help provide alternative access around the mine site (ADL 236624). This decision will also address the temporary closure of Donated Easements 2-6 while active mining operations are taking place (ADL 234025), the minor re-alignment of RST 76 outside the core operating area on the eastern side of the mine site (ADL 234035), and additional public safety measures. Of note, Donated Easement 1 will connect FAS 231 to the new easement on State lands and will remain open for public use during and after active mining operations.
Detailed information about these proposed actions is provided in the documents listed below. The public is invited to submit comments here concerning the State's preliminary decisions until August 15, 2022.
Financial Assurance
None at this time.
Permits and Approvals
None at this time.
Annual Reports and Meetings
None at this time.
Other Supporting Documents
July 2018 Public Notice
Public Notice: Donlin Gold Project Renewal Application and Draft State decisions
Extended comment period ends September 6, 2018, 5:00PM ADT
Donlin Gold, LLC (Donlin Gold) is proposing the development of an open pit, hard rock gold mine in southwestern Alaska, about 277 miles west of Anchorage, 145 miles northeast of Bethel, and 10 miles north of the village of Crooked Creek. The proposed project would be located in an area of low-lying, well rounded ridges on the western portion of the Kuskokwim Mountains.
The proposed Donlin Gold Project would require approximately three to four years to construct, with the mine life currently projected to be approximately 27 years. The mine is proposed to be a year-round, conventional “truck and shovel” operation using both bulk and selective mining methods.
On July 9, 2018 the State of Alaska is releasing documents describing Donlin Gold Project’s reclamation and closure plans, and the following draft state decisions for a 30-day public review and comment period:
- Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining, Land and Water, draft Reclamation Plan Approval (A20186226). The Reclamation Plan Approval includes the Plan of Operations Reclamation and Closure Plan Donlin Gold Project July 2017 Revision 1 and closure cost estimate.
- Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water, proposes to adopt the Reclamation Plan Approval and closure cost estimate through reference into Waste Management Permit No. 2017DB0001, which was presented for public comments and three public hearings during the period from December 15, 2017 through February 13, 2018. Only comments directed at the Reclamation Plan Approval, as they apply to the Waste Management Permit, are being solicited and will be considered by the department.
Further information on how to comment can be found below, in the updated online notice: Extended Public Notice (PDF); or viewed at the DEC Public Notices website.
Documents Associated with the Public Review and Comment Period
(draft permit approval and support document)
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining, Land and Water, draft Reclamation Plan Approval (A20186226) PDF The Plan of Operations Reclamation and Closure Plan Donlin Gold Project July 2017 Revision 1 (PDF) PDF Notice of Adoption Kuskokwim Area Plan Amendment PDFDonlin Gold Project Public Scoping
As part of the mine development effort Donlin has applied to install a number of structures or facilities on state lands in support of the project, including port and airstrip facilities, an access road, a fiber optic telecommunications cable, material sites, temporary access routes and construction camps. Donlin has also requested to restrict public easements located within the proposed mine area. Some of the requested authorizations could involve reclassifying currently classified lands, classifying lands that are currently unclassified, and classifying lands outside of an area plan which currently have no classification. A list of the applications received by Southcentral Regional Office (SCRO) at the time of this notice can be found below along with maps of the project area.
SCRO conducted a public scoping notice from August 31, 2016 to October 17, 2016. The purpose of the scoping notice was to make the public aware of the applications received by SCRO and solicit public input that will be considered during the adjudication process. SCRO received eight comments during the scoping period, which can be seen through the link below.
If you would like to receive notifications from SCRO regarding the processing of these applications, you can subscribe to a contact list at the link provided below. Note that you will only be added to SCRO's contact list for this project and your contact information will not be added to other State of Alaska, federal or local agency distribution lists regarding the proposed Donlin Gold Mine.
Donlin Gold Mine
James Hyun
Large Project Coordinator
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Office of Project Management and Permitting
Phone: (907) 334-2185
Fax: (907) 269-5673
Mail to:
550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 1430
Anchorage, AK 99501
Visit at:
550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 1430
Anchorage, AK 99501