Arctic Project

Project Description
The Arctic Mine Project is a proposed copper, lead, zinc, gold, and silver prospect is operated by Ambler Metals LLC, a joint venture formed between South32 Limited and Trilogy Metals Incorporated and is currently in the advanced exploration stage. The Arctic deposit is a volcanogenic massive sulphide (VSM) deposit within the Ambler Mining District in the southern Brooks Range of Alaska approximately 168 miles east of Kotzebue, 22 miles northeast of Kobuk, and 162 miles west of the Dalton Highway.
The project area consists of 18 federal patented mining claims, which cover an area of approximately 272 acres and 1,341 state mineral claims that cover an area of approximately 114,000 acres. In total, the Project area comprises approximately 114,498 acres of state and federal mining claims. Exploration work began in 2004.
Ambler Metals proposes the development of an open pit mine that will include infrastructure such as a tailings management facility, a waste rock facility, a tailings dam, a waste rock collection pond, multiple water treatment plants, a mill facility, a crusher facility, an ore stockpile building, and a concentrate loadout facility. The Project site will be accessed by the proposed Ambler Mining District Industrial Access Project (the Ambler Road). If constructed, Ambler Metals projects the mine producing approximately 10,000 tons of ore per day over the anticipated 12-year life of mine.
None at this time.
Financial Assurance
None at this time.
Permits and Approvals
Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Mining Section
Water Resources Section
Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G)
Technical Reports
James Hyun
Large Mine Coordinator
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Office of Project Management and Permitting
Phone: (907) 334-2185
Fax: (907) 465-3886
Mail to:
550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 1430
Anchorage, AK 99501
Visit at:
550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 1430
Anchorage, AK 99501