Poker Flats Mine

Project Description
The Poker Flats Mine was first authorized under an interim authorization in 1983. Since the adoption of the Alaska Surface Coal Mining Control and Reclamation Act (ASMCRA), the mine has been authorized under the following permits, 01-83-796, 01-83-796-1, and S-601A and consists of a 2,565-acre mine site, located approximately five (5) miles northeast of Healy, Alaska. The mine is located within: Township 12 South, Range 7 West, Sections 3-9, 17, 20, and 21, Fairbanks Meridian.
Application for Bond Release (R-S0601-03082017-1)
Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc. (UCM), P.O. Box 1000, Healy, Alaska 99743, has requested Bond Release for a portion of their Poker Flats Mine, permit number, S-0601A. UCM has requested a total of 78 acres for Phase I Bond Release.
Public Notice PDF (3/23/2017) Application for Phase I Bond Release PDF (3/23/2017)