Hoseanna / Emma Creek Exploration

Project Description
The Hoseanna Creek and Emma Creek Exploration Permit was originally issued on July 7, 1986. The exploration area is located in the Hoseanna-Emma Creek Valleys, approximately ten miles northeast of Healy, Alaska within: Sections 26-28 and 34-35, Township 10 South, Range 6 West; Sections 3-5, 7-10, 16-21 and 25-35, Township 11 South, Range 6 West; Sections 25-26, 29 and 32-36, Township 11 South, Range 7 West; Sections 3-5, Township 12 South, Range 7 West; Sections 7 and 18, Township 11 South, Range 5 West, of the Fairbanks Meridian.
Application for Exploration Permit 02-86-79
An application to issue a Coal Exploration Permit (File No. 02-86-795) was filed with DMLW - Mining on May 19, 2016. The request for exploration was submitted in accordance with AS 27.21.200 and 11 AAC 90 161 and 163. DMLW - Mining is issuing a Final Findings of Fact and Decision for issuance of the permit. This exploration permit is for a two-year term.
Final Findings and Decision PDF (9/2/2016) Preliminary Findings of Fact PDF (9/2/2016) Public Notice PDF (9/2/2016) Application for Renewal PDF (9/2/2016)