Contract Initiation and Revenue Recovery
Freqently Asked Questions

What is an ADL or LAS File Number and why do I need to know mine?
ADL stands for Alaska Division of Lands. LAS stands for Land Administration System. These are file numbers that identify individual agreements with the State of Alaska.
You should reference your ADL or LAS number when contacting our office via phone or in writing, and when sending payments by mail.
How do I make a payment on my contract?
Payments for Land Sale Contracts and Regional Authorizations can be made three ways. Your payment must include your ADL or LAS file number.
1 Pay by mail:
Department of Natural Resources
Financial Services Section
550 West 7th Ave, Suite 1410
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 269-8500
2 Pay in person at any of these locations below, or by phone
Department of Natural Resources
Public Information Center (PIC)
550 West 7th Ave, Suite 1360
Anchorage, AK 99501
Department of Natural Resources
Public Information Center (PIC)
3700 Airport Way
Fairbanks, AK 99709
(907) 451-2705
Department of Natural Resources
Land Information Office
400 Willoughby Avenue, 4th floor
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 465-3400
Will I receive a bill or reminder when my payment is due?
Land Sale Contracts written after January 1, 2003 with a monthly payment schedule will not receive courtesy billing notices. Land Sale Contracts with quarterly or annual payment schedules will be sent courtesy billing notices about 30 days before payment is due.
Failure to receive a courtesy notice does not release you from the responsibility to make a timely payment.
Other payment questions?
Please refer to the Land Lease & Contract Information Fact Sheet PDF available on the DMLW Factsheets page.
COVID payment questions?
Please refer to the DMLW COVID Update page .
How do I update my contact information?
Change of Address Form (Land Sales and Contract Initiation) PDF
Mail or email a copy of the Change of Address Form to:
Contact Initiation and Revenue Recovery
550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 640
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
All change of address notifications must be received in writing and signed by the authorization holder.
If we do not have your current mailing address, our notices and correspondences will not likely reach you. It is the contract holder's responsibility to contact our office to update your address of record.
How can I view or print Recorded Documents associated with my File Number?
Recorded Documents associated with your File Number are available through the DNR Land Adminstration System. You will need your File Number (ADL or LAS) to complete your records search. Some Recorded Documents you may see are the Alaska State Land Survey, Homeowner's Association Covenants, Contract for the Sale of Real Property as well as any Assignments and Amendments.
My Contract is paid in full. When will I get my Patent?
The DNR issues patents approximately 3-6 months after the date of pay-off. Additional details on payoff amounts and the conveyance process are included in the Land Sale Contracts section.