Aquatic Farm Leasing
Freqently Asked Questions

What is an aquatic farmsite lease?
It is a ten-year property right granted by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that allows a lessee to develop the state's tide and submerged lands into a shellfish or aquatic plant farm.
How do I get a farmsite lease?

Prospective farmers are required to submit a joint-agency aquatic farmsite application along with the application fee. The application fee amount depends on the size of the proposed farm and can be found in the current fee order. Applications are accepted each year by DNR January 1 through April 30. The application is used by DNR, Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) to determine your proposal's feasibility. You may need to submit other applications to other agencies.
What costs are associated with a lease?
The annual fee for the lease will be based on the current fee schedule or a fair market value appraisal. The is based on the size of the farm. If you have related upland or floating caretaker facilities, you will be charged other fees as set out in regulations or fee schedules. As with any lease, if you do not want to use the fee schedule, you may pay to have an appraisal done. The appraisal is done in accordance with appraisal instructions issued by DNR.
The annual fee for a 5.00-acre lease would be calculated as follows, per the current fee schedule:
5.00 acres (1 acre at $450) + (4 acres x $125) = $950.00 per year
Additionally, there is a bond requirement, the bond amount is based upon the level of development, amounts of hazardous material/substances on site, and the perceived liability to the State. The minimum bond amount is $2,500. However, if three or more lessees post an association bond to cover all their leases, the minimum-security amount is 50% of the amount individually calculated for each lease. This bond is subject to periodic review.
Farmers should also be aware that other state agencies have fees as well. ADF&G requires a biomass survey fee for all on-bottom, inter-tidal or sub-tidal proposals. The fee must be included with the multiagency aquatic farm application. ADEC requires a fee for the initial water classification for all shellfish growing or harvest areas.
When can I submit an application?
Applications are accepted by DNR at least every other year January 1 through April 30. Typically, the applications are accepted annually.
What authorizations do I need to operate a farm?
You will need an aquatic farmsite lease from DNR, an aquatic farm operation permit ADF&G, and a water quality classification and permit to operate from ADEC prior to the harvest and sale of your product. You will also need a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. You may need an authorization from a municipality or borough if your farmsite is within borough or municipal boundaries. If you plan to use uplands in your operation, prior permission from the adjacent upland owner must be obtained.
Can I apply for more than one site?
You may apply for as many sites as you wish. However, you must submit a complete application for each site.
A farmsite may have more than one parcel, however, the parcels must be within 3 miles of each other.
Any parcels that are more than 3 miles apart will need a separate application.
Is finfish farming allowed?
Currently, finfish farming is not allowed in the state.
Is state funding available?
State funding is not available. Aquaculture loans may be available through the USDA website. You may also contact the Department of Community and Economic Development, Small Business Development for other loan options at (907) 465-2510, or via email at You can also find more information by visiting their website.
Do I need an aquatic farmsite lease from DNR to collect wild shellfish or sea plants for commercial purposes?
No. However, you do need authorizations from ADF&G and ADEC.
Where can I get more information?
For information on the Growing Area Certification required to sell an aquatic farm product, call the Shellfish Program Coordinator for the Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Environmental Health at 907-269-7636 or visit their website.
For information on the ADF&G operation, transportation and stock acquisition permits, contact their Aquatic Farming Program at by email at or (907) 465-4724, or you can visit their website.
For more information contact the DNR, Division of Mining, Land & Water at:
Aquatic Farm Program Coordinator
550 West 7th Ave., Suite 900C
Anchorage, AK 99501-3577
Phone: 907-269-8543
Fax: 907-269-8913
For other information on state resources or to request applications, contact the Anchorage DNR Public Information Center at:
DNR Public Information Center
550 West 7th Ave., Suite 1360
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907-269-8400
TDD: 907-269-8411
Fax: 907-269-8901