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Federal Land Use Planning

The State provides coordinated input to a variety of land use plans being developed by federal agencies throughout the state. Federal resource agencies such as Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the U.S. Forest Service, the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service undertake planning processes in order to develop supportable management strategies for federal lands these agencies manage in Alaska. State participation in the development of these land use plans is important to ensure continued access to state lands and resources and ensure that state interests are considered throughout the planning process.

In addition, the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) directs federal agencies to consult and coordinate with the State of Alaska. State agencies responsible for natural resources, tourism, and transportation work as a team to provide input throughout federal planning processes.


BLM Management Plans

Why does BLM prepare Resource Mgmt Plans?

The State provides input to BLM throughout the planning process in order to ensure that the resulting BLM Resource Management Plan is consistent with management of adjacent state lands and resources, addressing issues such as access and resource development. Following the adoption of Resource Management Plans (RMPs) subsequent management plans for special management areas are developed, usually within five years. BLM has also begun work on several step-down plans.

**NOTE: Links to BLM website, USDA website (Tongass) and other links are EXTERNAL.**