All final close-out reports and applicable documents are due immediately, please submit the final report, reimbursement request, receipts, and a picture of your project to the dnr.ag.grants@alaska.gov email address.
The division hopes you had a wonderful season. The tentative timeframe to finish up the review/approval of final close-out reports is the end of November.
Program Overview
The priority of the grants is to improve available and affordable hay, grain, and other livestock feed for Alaskans who raise livestock to feed their families and local communities. Alaska MGFS grant must follow USDA guidelines for eligible spending.
The grants are for existing operations, including urban farms, homesteads, micro, and small farms.
Small Animal: $2,000 (poultry, eggs, rabbits)
Large Animal: $5,000 (cattle, goats, pigs, reindeer, sheep, elk, yak, bison)
*Shipping costs are allowable expenses and can be included with reimbursements.
Examples of Eligible Products
- Hay
- Corn
- Barley
- Grain
- Peas
- Oats
- Pellets
- Wheat
- Alfalfa cubes
Examples of Ineligible Products
- Purchase of new animals
- Feeders
- Lumber
- Fencing
- Snaps
- Netting
- Bedding
- Heat lamps
- Screws & Nails
- Plastic wrap
- Buckle straps
- Wire mesh fencing
- Wood shavings
- Heated Waterers
- Chicken Wire
- Twine or cords
- Clips
- Plastic wire mesh
Grant Performance Period
The project period of performance begins January 1, 2024, and continues through September 30, 2024. You must spend your grant funds within this timeframe.
The final report and reimbursement request are due no later than October 30th, 2024.
- As you fill in your final report, you will report to the division and align your data with your approved application submitted to the division and the signed grant agreement.
- If you received a small animal project, align your data to the small animal project data, Such as egg collection or poultry harvests.
- If you received a large animal project keep your data in alignment with the large animal project data, Such as lbs. of cows harvested, or gallons of milk collected.
- Do not submit data under the small animal project such as egg collection if you received a large animal project, or if you received a small animal project do not submit data such as lbs. of cows harvested. Keep your data within your approved project.

An email was sent out, with the final report, reimbursement request, and a step-by-step guide to fill them out.
Micro-Grant Individual Application Video Tutorial
Micro-Grant Organization Application Video Tutorial
Sample Reimbursement Request
Sample Report Template
How to fill out FY23 MGFS Hay & Grain Final Report
Contact Us
For questions about the MGFSP program, please email:
Email: dnr.ag.grants@alaska.gov
Or call: 907-761-3885
Hay & Grain Special Competition 2023
Final Hay & Grain Special Competition Awarded 2023
Frequently Asked Questions:
How is the grant paid?
Grant funds will be released in two payments:
- a 50% advance of your total grant award to assist you in starting your project
- the balance of your grant award is to be spent out of pocket; upon conclusion of the grant award period end date, you will submit a final report detailing how your project went and provide the division requested data to provide evidence of project completion. Upon approval of the final report you will receive reimbursement for the funds you spent out-of-pocket
How long do I have to complete my project?
The Special Competition Hay & Grain grant period is nine months in effect from January 1, 2024, through September 30, 2024.
Can I spend funds outside the period of performance timeframe?
No, Funds spent outside the period of performance begin – end dates will not receive reimbursement.
Do I have to submit backup documentation such as receipts to receive reimbursement?
Yes. The division requests receipts to determine eligible expenses for reimbursement after the period of performance.
Can I change my ‘Project Type’? For example:
“I was awarded a Small Animal project type and ended up needing funds for my pigs & cattle.
As such, Can I change my project type to the Large animal project type?”
No, Per your fully executed grant agreement “APPENDIX B, ARTICLE 4. Scope Changes”.
These grant awards are federal funds and approved by USDA AMS. You must stay within your approved project type.
What if I can’t complete my project and have decided to cancel my grant award and return the 50% advance?
Please send an email to dnr.ag.grants@alaska.gov
with a statement you wish to withdraw from the Hay & Grain Special Competition program, your name, Project name, and number of the award you are canceling.
You will send the 50% advance, via personal check, cashier’s check, or money order, to the division at:
Division of Agriculture
ATTN: Toni Straight, Natural Resource Specialist II
1801 S Margaret Drive, Ste 12
Palmer AK 99645
Once we receive the check, cashier's check, or money order, you will be sent a void contract via the DocuSign system. Once the voided contract is completely signed by all parties you will be released from any further obligations to the state.
I bought a new house, or property, or rented an apartment in another location. How do I change my project location?
You cannot change the location or any other part of your application once the grant application in SmartSimple is closed.
If you have moved and can no longer perform the project at the designated location,
you will need to withdraw from the Hay & Grain Special Competition program, return the 50% advance, and cancel your grant agreement.
Do I have to pay taxes for the Hay & Grain Special Competition grant funds?
Yes. You will receive your 1099 from the Division of Finance at the beginning of the year.
NOTE: There will be no extension requests for this Hay & Grain Special Competition program.