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Micro-Grants for Food Security Program Overview
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has awarded funding through the Micro-Grant for Food Security Program to the Alaska Division of Agriculture to increase the quantity and quality of locally grown food through small-scale gardening, herding, and livestock operations in food insecure communities in areas of the State that have significant levels of food insecurity and import a substantial quantity of foods. The Alaska Division of Agriculture competitively distributes funds from this grant program through sub-awards to eligible individuals and organizations for select project types.
The Alaska Division of Agriculture is responsible for defining specific details of their sub-award programs, ensuring projects are appropriate for the MGFSP, and overseeing the funded projects.
This includes announcing funding availability, conducting public outreach, administering the sub-award competition, monitoring sub-award projects, and reporting on program outcomes.
The Alaska Division of Agriculture provides administrative oversight of the sub-award grants, ensuring that subrecipients maintain appropriate records, including receipts,
and follow all applicable Federal statutes and regulations as well as the Grant Agreement and applicable
AMS General Terms and Conditions,
collecting project data, and submitting reports to AMS.
The Alaska Division of Agriculture has $2.6 million available in funding for the fall 2024 Micro-Grant for Food Security Program.
The maximum amount for each Micro-Grant awarded is $5,000 per individual and $10,000 per qualifying organization.
A 10% cost match will be required for each organization-approved grant.
The award amounts for individuals will depend on the project type selected. One application per household.
Micro-Grant Overview Presentation.
Eligible applicants must be 18 years of age or older, an Alaska resident, physically located in Alaska, and must apply directly to the Alaska Division of Agriculture’s granting system Smart Simple Portal.
Eligible applicants are defined as:
- Individuals
- Indian tribes or tribal organizations
- Nonprofit Organizations that are engaged in increasing food security including:
- Religious organizations
- Food banks
- Food pantries
- Federally funded educational facilities including:
- Head Start programs or an Early Head Start program
- Public elementary schools or public secondary schools
- Public institutions of higher education
- Tribal Colleges or Universities
- Job training programs
- Local or Tribal governments that may not levy local taxes under State or Federal Law
Eligible applicants must engage in activities to increase the quantity and quality of locally grown food for food-insecure individuals, families, neighborhoods, and communities.
Activities to create or expand avenues for the sale of food commodities, specialty crops, and meats are not a project type currently being offered by the Division.
Project descriptions that include the selling of food grown within the project will be considered an ineligible project activity.
The purchase of food with grant money is not allowed.
Applicants who were not awarded a previous Micro-Grant can re-apply.
Projects & Award Amounts
Applicants will be able to select one of the following project types and align your project description within the selected project. Project descriptions that outline more than one project will not be selected for review or award. Individuals may receive a fixed amount award dependent on the project type selected:

1. Gardening: ($2,500) Purchasing gardening tools, soil, soil amendments, seeds, plants, animals, canning equipment, refrigeration, and other necessary items to grow and store food. Shipping is included.
Examples of allowable Gardening projects:
- Gardening tools
- Seeds
- Refrigeration
- Soil amendments
- Vertical towers for leafy greens
- LED grow lights
- Master Gardner’s Class
- High/Low Tunnel
- Gardening equipment
- Plants
- Composting units
- Hydroponic equipment
- Growing medium
- Grow tents
- Garden boxes
- Hoop House
- Canning Equipment
- Animals
- Soil
- Aeroponic equipment
- Starter Plugs
- Vacuum Packing
- Vacuum packing
- Vis queen bed covers
- Freezer

2. Livestock, Poultry, Fencing, and Apiary: ($5,000) Building, buying, erecting, or repairing fencing for livestock, poultry, or reindeer, as well as animal purchases-may include shelters. Also, may include items for an Apiary (bee) project. Shipping is included.
Examples of allowable Livestock, Poultry, fencing and Apiary Projects:
- Field fencing
- Electric fencing
- Rabbit wire fencing
- Barb wire
- Chicken coops
- Insulation
- Nails, staples, screws
- Heated water buckets
- Heat panels
- Incubators
- Hardware cloth
- Welded utility fencing
- Post driver
- Cattle panels
- Rabbit hutches
- Plastic sheeting
- Chicken wire
- Hanging feeders
- Troughs
- Milking machinery or supplies
- Stock tanks
- Heat lamps
- Bailing and Tie wire
- Lodgepoles
- Lumber
- Woven no climb fencing
- Animals
- Beehives and related equipment

3. Greenhouse: ($5,000) Building, buying, erecting, or repairing a Greenhouse to extend the growing season. May include Greenhouse kits to assemble. Lumber, screws, bolts, nuts, hammers, saws, measuring tapes, eyewear protection, pencils, various construction protective wear such as hard hats, gloves, tool belts, vis queen, vinyl siding, fans, concrete mix, and brackets. The greenhouse must meet the definition of a climate-controlled structure enclosed and used to extend the growing season of cultivated plants and be weather resistant. Greenhouses that are not considered weather-resistant will be reclassified under a gardening project. Shipping is included.
Examples of allowable Greenhouse Projects:
- Lumber
- Hammers
- Metal stakes
- Tie downs
- Polycarbonate panels
- PVC pipe
- Fuel for heating greenhouse
- Nails
- Concrete
- Fasteners
- Fans
- Greenhouse shelving
- Fiberglass hoops
- Screws
- Plastic sheeting
- Wheelbarrows
- Greenhouse kits
- Garden hoop kits
- Generator

4. Food Processing and Storage: ($5,000) In Alaska, this includes harvesting wild plants, vegetables, fruits, and animals. Increasing food security Canning/Processing- smokehouses and racks, vacuum packaging equipment and supplies, Pressure cookers, jars/lids, meat grinders, hanging racks, refrigerators/freezers, cold storage, dehydrators, juicers, presses, pasteurization, root cellars, and other necessary items to store food. The purchase of food with grant money is not allowed. This includes purchasing food and/or food ingredients for cooking, canning, baking, smoking, etc. Shipping is included.
Examples of Food Process and Storage Projects:
- Canning
- Drying racks
- Jars/lids
- Refrigerators
- Dehydrators
- Pasteurization
- Processing/Canning
- Vacuum packaging
- Meat grinders
- Freezers
- Juicers
- Root cellars
- Smokehouses
- Pressure Cooker
- Hanging racks
- Cold storage
- Presses
*No food procurement
Examples of Unallowable Purchases with Micro-Grant Funds
All purchases made with Micro-Grant funds are required to follow the Federal Cost Principles of Subpart E- Cost Principles of 2 CFR 200 and the AMS General Terms and Conditions. Below are some examples of unallowable purchases. If unallowable purchases are made with Micro-Grant funds, including fixed amount awards, the total costs of the unallowable expenses will be reduced from the overall grant award. If unallowable purchases are made with the advanced grant payment received, those funds will be required to be paid back to the State.
- Guns
- Gun powder
- Shells
- Food
- Vehicles
- Rifles
- Reloading equipment
- Pellet Guns
- Food ingredients
- Ammunition
- Gun scopes
- Gun accessories
- Cosmetic products
- Rental Payments
- Boats
- Canoes
- ATV's
- UTV's
- Boat Motors
- Snowmachines
- Fishing Charters
Supplies and equipment can be purchased from out of state and shipped to Alaska for a project which will be completed in Alaska. However, supplies and equipment that is shipped to an out of state location will be considered an unallowable expense and will not be eligible for reimbursement. If the supplies and equipment are purchased with the advance grant payment received and then shipped out of state, the funds will be demanded to be repaid to the State.
Funding Priorities
Micro-Grant awards to eligible applicants will be given priority if they:
- Have not previously received a subaward under this program.
- Are located in the highest food insecure areas, determined by the census area the project is located in.
Further priority consideration will be given to:
- Applicants who demonstrate the ability to describe benefits to food security.
- The number of Direct and Indirect beneficiaries of a project.
- The completeness of a project description which includes an explanation of how the project will increase food security for direct and indirect beneficiaries.
- Applications that provide a method to measure food produced, stored, or distributed.
Direct Beneficiaries are defined as those living within the household who will benefit directly from the project.
Indirect Beneficiaries are defined as partnerships with other groups, churches, neighbors, food banks, local communities who will also benefit from the project.
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted electronically via the Alaska Division of Agriculture SmartSimple
Application Portal.
One application per household.
The Division of Agriculture will not accept applications that are printed and mailed in nor emailed.
Each project must identify at least one expected measurable outcome that specifically demonstrates the project’s impact in increasing food security, such as pounds of food that will be produced as a result of the project.
Application Review
Each Micro-Grant application received is reviewed by a member of the Alaska Division of Agriculture’s review committee which uses set scoring criteria to evaluate how well the project details address the Micro-Grant requirements and funding priorities. Applicants are ranked based on the information provided in the application and cannot provide updated information after the application is submitted. The scoring criteria are outlined in the Request for Applications document. Micro-Grant applications that are selected by the Division of Agriculture for funding must then be submitted to USDA for final approval.
Grant Performance Period
Applicants that are selected and approved for funding must complete a W9 form provided by the Division to be set up as a vendor with the State of Alaska. Once they receive their vendor number, they will be forwarded a Grant Agreement that they must sign. A grant will not be distributed until the grantee has signed the Grant Agreement and completed all required supporting documentation.
Distribution of grant funds to grantees will occur after the Grant Agreement is signed by both the grantee and the Division Authorized Representative.
For Individuals: Funds will be paid to the Grantee in up to two payments, one advance and one final payment upon review and approval of the final report, reimbursement request with appropriate backup documentation accompanied, and a picture provided of the project. The Division of Agriculture may request additional pictures.
For Organizations: Funds will be paid to the Grantee in up to two payments,
one advance and one final payment upon review and approval of the final report,
reimbursement request with appropriate backup documentation accompanied, and a picture provided of the project.
The Division of Agriculture may request additional pictures.
Final payment will be processed upon review and approval of the final report, reimbursement request with appropriate backup documentation accompanied, and pictures provided of the project.
The Division of Agriculture may request additional pictures.
Micro-Grant Request For Applications
Micro-Grant Fixed Amount Application
Micro-Grant Individual Application Video Tutorial
Micro-Grant Organization Application Video Tutorial
Sample Report Template-Word Doc
Sample Reimbursement Request-Word Doc
How to fill out FY23 Final Report & Reimbursement Request-PDF Doc
Contact Us
For questions about the MGFSP program, please email:
Email: dnr.ag.grants@alaska.gov
Or call: 907-761-3885
Frequently Asked Questions:
How is the grant paid?
Grant funds will be released in two payments:
- a 50% advance of your total grant award to assist you in starting your project
- the balance of your grant award is to be spent out of pocket; upon conclusion of the grant award period end date, you will submit a final report detailing how your project went and provide the division requested data to provide evidence of project completion. Upon approval of the final report, you will receive reimbursement for the funds you spent out-of-pocket
Can I sell the harvested/produced food from my project out of my home, at the Farmer’s Market, or from my business that I own?
No. Activities to create or expand avenues for the sale of food commodities, specialty crops, and meats if not a project type currently being offered by the Division.
Project descriptions that include the selling of food grown within the project will be considered an ineligible project activity.
How long do I have to complete my project?
Project start and end dates will cover one year.
The tentative period of performance will be April 1, 2025 – March 31, 2026.
Can I spend funds outside the period of performance timeframe?
No, Funds spent outside the one year of performance begin – end dates will not receive reimbursement.
Do I have to submit backup documentation such as receipts to receive reimbursement?
Yes. The division requests receipts to determine eligible expenses for reimbursement after the period of performance.
Can I change my ‘Project Type’? For example: “I was awarded a Greenhouse: extending the growing season” project type and I can’t/didn’t
get around to the building of a Greenhouse but spent grant funds on Food Processing and Storage. As such, Can I change my project type?”
No, Per your fully executed grant agreement “APPENDIX B, ARTICLE 4. Scope Changes”.
These grant awards are federal funds and approved by USDA AMS. You must stay within your approved project type.
What if I can’t complete my project and have decided to cancel my grant award and return the 50% advance?
Please send an email to dnr.ag.grants@alaska.gov
with a statement you wish to withdraw from the MGFS program, your name, Project name, and number of the award you are canceling.
You will send the 50% advance, via personal check, cashier’s check, or money order, to the division at:
Division of Agriculture
ATTN: Toni Straight, Natural Resource Specialist II
1801 S Margaret Drive, Ste 12
Palmer AK 99645
Once we receive the check or money order, your application will get put to a ‘Declined’ status in the Smart Simple granting system, and noted as such. As we update the Smart Simple granting system please note that there may be additional initiatives to fulfill.
What if I could not complete my project before the period of performance end date?
Per your Grant Agreement: “APPENDIX B, ARTICLE 4. Extensions”. In extreme circumstances,
Grantees may request an extension beyond the one-year Project End Date.
A formal request must be emailed to dnr.ag.grants@alaska.gov,
the subject line must outline “No Cost Extension Request, Director Scoresby”.
The following information must be outlined in the body of the email:
- A thorough justification for the extension request (the reason you could not finish your project)
- Provide a summary of progress to date, and an update on the project, in terms of the project goals and objectives
- Include any expenses that have been made, an estimate of the amount of remaining funds, and how they will be used in the remaining timeframe
- Your strategy and the timeline to complete the project (maximum extension is one year)
NOTE: “The deadline for all extension requests will be 30 days prior to the Project End Date.” Each extension request thereafter will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Do I have to pay taxes for the MGFS grant funds?
Yes. You will receive your 1099 from the Division of Finance at the beginning of the year.