Shore Fishery Leasing Program
Shore Fishery Diagrams
A shore fishery diagram is a detailed map, which provides a geographical representation of your set net site(s). The diagram depicts the location of your site(s) relative to major bodies of water, uplands, significant structures, and neighboring set net sites. It also portrays tide and submerged lands, as well as mean high and low water lines. Additionally, the diagram identifies upland ownership and any nearby survey monuments and/or United States Geological Survey triangulation stations.

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) requires shore fishery lease applicants to submit a diagram during the application process for the purpose of effectively managing the program on the setnetters' behalf. The diagrams provide an indication of any potential conflict between setnetters and enable DNR to ensure set net sites are configured in a manner consistent with Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) regulations. This includes ensuring leaseholders meet the minimum distance requirements between set nets, and that the set nets do not encroach upon an ADF&G closure line.
Although it is generally not required, the DNR highly encourages setnetters to have their sites surveyed. In some situations, however, surveys are required. This requirement is usually due to unusual circumstances, such as when shoreline erosion or accretion causes problems in locating sites, or conflicts appear to exist with neighboring sites.
To assist with submitting your diagram, the DNR Shore Fishery Leasing Program has prepared diagram instructions, a list of contractors and surveyors familiar with diagram preparation, and a sample diagram, which are available at the links below. If you have questions about shore fishery diagrams, please contact the Shore Fishery Leasing Program staff.