Rex Trail: Seven Mile Lake Reroute
Please Note:
Seven Mile Lake Reroute Project is complete and open to all traffic. Please use this new route and avoid travel along the original trail near the lake.
Signs have been posted at both intersections directing all traffic onto the reroute. Additional signs were posted on the original trail stating that it is closed for rehabilitation.

Project Summary
In the summer of 2015, DNR was approached by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game about the possible use of existing federal Pittman-Robertson (P-R) funds for projects that would increase or preserve hunter access. DNR identified the Rex Trail as a high priority project that appeared to meet the criteria for the P-R funds; specifically, DNR applied for P-R funds to supplement approximately $243,000 of existing state capital improvement funds in order to construct a re-route around Seven Mile Lake, one of the worst spots on the trail, and one of the few spots where the trail is on private property. In December 2015, the grant was awarded resulting in $720,000 of additional funding for the project.
The Prescription Report indicated that unlike the Site 4 Small Vehicle Reroute site, where the existing trail may be able to sustain long-term accessibility by a wide variety of larger tracked and wheeled vehicles, the existing trail through Seven Mile Lake area is unlikely to sustain long-term use by any vehicles, including ATV's, tracked vehicles, and larger wheeled vehicles. It indicated that at both Site 1 and Site 2 (both within the proposed Seven Mile Lake Reroute project), a constructed trail would be required. Although the Prescription Report did not recommend a reroute of the trail for either site, the Department decided that it would be beneficial to relocate the trail on undisturbed lands outside of the private property to both simplify construction as well as move the active tread of the trail onto State lands, and consist of essentially a primitive gravel road. This would allow all users to both bypass the existing extensively damaged (and at times nearly impassible) portion of the trail, as well as allow users to remain on State land.
DNR has worked with the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to produce a design and a construction contract that was put out to bid February 2018. A contract was awarded, and construction began January 2019. Construction was completed at the end of March, 2019, and the new route is open to all vehicle traffic. All through-traffic should avoid the original trail alignment that passes by the lake by using the new road. Please follow posted signs. Questions or concerns regarding this project can be sent here