Annual Lease Fee Schedules

Summary of fee schedules
The Division of Land’s Appraisal Unit has developed a series of fee schedules for the following uses of remote land when the use is authorized by a short-term, negotiated lease of ten years or less: communications and conex sites, mountaineering cabin sites, aquatic farm sites, floating log storage and log transfer sites, set net campsites, and guided hunting/fishing, outfitter, and air taxi camp sites.
Annual rent for each fee schedule is designed to exceed what an average-quality site would bring in the current market. This ensures the state the fair return required by law while saving the applicant the time and expense of an appraisal. Under state law, “...The lease compensation method shall be designed to maximize the return on the lease to the state...” (AS 38.05.075(a).
If an applicant believes a fee schedule is unfair for a particular property, he or she can obtain an appraisal of the property at his or her own expense.
Although these schedules are not appraisals, they will be reviewed every two years to comply with the two-year age provision of AS 38.05.840.
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Aquatic Farmsites - Report No. 2522-16
This schedule will be used as basis for annual rent in leasing tide, submerged, and shore land suitable for aquatic farmsites under AS 38.05.083.
Site Description
The aquatic farm operators use several systems for growing shellfish. The typical oyster farm consists of trays or nets suspended from long lines. A few farms utilize raft structures with rack and bag systems. These systems require a water depth of at least 40 feet at MLW (mean low water) to allow clearance under suspended gear at low tides. Depths equal to or greater than 60 feet are recommended to enable farmers to drop gear if water temperatures go higher than 60 degrees Fahrenheit to help minimize Vibrio bacterial growth. Most operations require a tideland or submerged site from one to six acres in size. There are larger sites, but three acres is currently considered as the minimum size for an economically viable operation. In recent years, applications for very large sites used for kelp farming has necessitated the need to further analyze the contributory value of the additional acreage. These considerations have been reflected in this fee schedule. The aquatic farm operation may be allowed additional facilities for housing personnel and storage of equipment on uplands or for housing facilities on submerged lands.
Conditions and Limitations
The following fee schedule is only applicable to upland and tideland sites for the uses specified in this report, and are subject to the criteria stated below:
- The aquatic farm site must be located in a remote area; and
- must be accessible only by light aircraft and/or boat; and
- public utilities systems are not available; and
- there is no apparent competition for the site.
- A site located in a competitive market area will require a formal market value appraisal provided by the applicant.
- Rates effective March 15, 2024 through March 14, 2026.
Annual Lease Fees
Size in acres | Base Fee (1st acre or portion thereof) |
Price per additional acre |
0.01 to 30 | $450 | $125 |
30.01 to 40 | $4,075 | $109 |
40.01 to 50 | $5,169 | $94 |
50.01 to 60 | $6,106 | $88 |
60.01 to 70 | $6,985 | $82 |
70.01 to 80 | $7,805 | $76 |
80.01 to 90 | $8,566 | $70 |
90.01 to 100 | $9,269 | $68 |
100.01 to 110 | $9,951 | $66 |
110.01 to 120 | $10,610 | $64 |
120.01 to 130 | $11,247 | $62 |
130.01 to 140 | $11,862 | $59 |
140.01 to 150 | $12,455 | $57 |
150.01 to 160 | $13,027 | $55 |
More than 160 | $13,577 | $53 |
A 45-acre parcel = Base Fee of $5,169 + 5 add'l acres @ $94 per acre = $5,639.
$94 x 5 additional acres = $470
$5,169 + $470 = $5,639
Other Fees
- Associated housing facilities for the aquatic farm site:
- $875 per acre for the 1st acre or portion thereof, and
- $125 per acre for each additional acre or portion thereof;
- Upland site for housing or storage:
- $2,000 per acre for the 1st acre or portion thereof, and
- $125 per acre for each additional acre or portion thereof;
Communication Sites / Mountaineering Cabins / Conex Sites Report No. 2325-20
This schedule will be used as the basis for annual rent for leases of remote upland sites for communication facilities, mountaineering cabins, and CONEX facilities. This fee schedule is to reduce costs and time in processing lease applications under AS 38.05.070(b) for negotiated leases not to exceed ten years.
Site Description
A typical site for the above described uses would be located in a remote area accessible mainly by fixed wing or rotary type aircraft and on foot. Most sites are found above 2,500-foot elevation in mountainous areas.
Communication Sites
The sizes of remote sites for communication facilities vary from a fraction of an acre to slightly more than five acres, with few exceptions. Most of the communication sites are less than one acre.
Mountaineering Cabins
Normally, a cabin site requires no more than a one-acre site. Owners of seasonal recreation cabins on the Chugach National Forest land are allowed only 0.10 to 0.56 acres per site.
These sites are located adjacent to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline (TAPS) corridor but do not infringe upon the existing pipeline right-of-way. They are 100 feet by 100 feet in size, and are located in remote areas accessible only by helicopter. The sites are not improved, except for removal of vegetation for storage of the CONEX (containment equipment), and a helicopter landing area with a tie-down anchor. Each CONEX is equipped with tools and other equipment necessary for oil spill cleanup.
Annual Lease Fees
The annual lease fee for communication facilities, mountaineering cabins, and CONEX sites is $1,200.
Conditions and Limitations
The above fee is applicable only to an upland site used for one of the above specified purposes, and is subject to the conditions and limitations below:
- The site is no larger than five (5) acres and is located in a remote area; and
- must be accessible only by light aircraft, helicopter, and/or foot; and
- public utility systems are not available; and
- there is no apparent competition for the site.
- A site located in a competitive market area will require a formal market value appraisal provided by the applicant.
- Rates effective March 15, 2024 through March 14, 2026.
Guide Camp / Setnet / Outfitter / Air Taxi Report No. 2618-16
This schedule is used to charge annual rental fees for the above uses on remote uplands. This fee schedule was implemented to reduce costs and time in processing lease applications under AS 38.05.07(b) for negotiated leases not to exceed ten years.
Site Description
The physical character of the lands used for commercial recreation facilities or activities varies from remote mountainous areas, to lakefront and seashore sites. A typical upland site for the above described uses would be located in a remote area accessible only by air or boat. Most of the existing leases indicate that they are one-half to several acres, but no larger than five acres in size. These sites are not accessible by developed roads or airports.
Conditions and Limitations
The following fee schedule is only applicable to upland sites for the uses specified in this report, and are subject to the criteria stated below:
- The site must be located in a remote area; and
- public utility systems are not available; and
- there is no apparent competition for the site.
The annual fees under this schedule are effective March 15, 2024 through March 14, 2026 and are as follows:
Guide and/or Outfitter Camps and Air Taxi sites located on remote uplands without waterfront
$1,070 for the first acre or portion thereof, and
$ 100 for each additional acre or portion thereof.
Guide and/or Outfitter Camps and Air Taxi sites located on remote uplands with waterfront
$1,920 for the first acre or portion thereof, and
$ 120 for each additional acre or portion thereof.
Setnet Cabin sites located on remote uplands with waterfront
$1,920 for the first acre or portion thereof, and
$ 120 for each additional acre or portion thereof.
Floating Camp and Lodge Sites Report No. 5
This schedule is used to charge annual rental fees for the above uses on tide and submerged lands. This fee schedule was implemented to reduce costs and time in processing lease applications under AS 38.05.07(b) for negotiated leases not to exceed ten years.
Site Description
Typical floating camps and lodges are located in well protected and sheltered bays. The camps are used for housing logging crews, while lodges serve for commercial recreation. Both include walkways between the facilities and access to adjacent shore land. Both facilities support commercial or industrial activities. Most of these are located in the southeast, but some are in the Southcentral Alaska. . Most floating camps are between one and three acres, but some can exceed five acres.
Annual Lease Fees
The annual lease fees for floating camps and lodge sites on tide or submerged lands are: $1,250 for floating camp and floating lodge sites of 5 acres or less, and $125 per each additional acre or fraction thereof for sites larger than 5.00 acres
Conditions and Limitations
The above lease fees are subject to the conditions and limitations listed below:
- The site is located in a remote area; and
- must be accessible only by local logging roads, air, and/or boat; and
- public utility systems are not available; and
- there is no apparent competition for the site.
- A site located in a competitive market area will require a formal market value appraisal provided by the applicant.
- Rates effective March 15, 2024 through March 14, 2026.
This schedule will be used as the basis for annual rent charged for the use of remote upland sites for commercial guide and/or outfitter sites, setnet cabins, and air taxi sites. This fee schedule was implemented to reduce costs and time in processing lease applications under AS 38.05.07(b) for negotiated leases not to exceed ten years.
Site Description
The physical character of the lands used for commercial recreation facilities or activities varies from uplands in remote mountainous areas to lakefront and seashore sites. A typical upland site for the above described uses would be located in a remote area accessible only by air or boat. Most of the existing leases indicate that they are one-half to several acres but no larger than five acres in size. These sites are not accessible by developed roads or airports.
Annual Lease Fees
The annual lease fees for commercial guide and/or outfitter sites, setnet cabins, and air taxi sites is:
1. Guide and/or Outfitter Camps located on remote uplands w/o water front
$1,070 for the first acre or portion thereof, and
$100 for each additional acre or portion thereof.
2. Guide and/or Outfitter and Air Taxi sites located on remote uplands with water front
$1,920 for the first acre or portion thereof, and
$120 for each additional acre or portion thereof.
3. Setnet Cabins
$1,920 for the first acre or portion thereof, and
$120 for each additional acre or portion thereof.
Conditions and Limitations
The above fees are applicable only to upland sites for the uses specified in this report and are subject to the criteria stated below:
- The site must be located in a remote area; and
- must be accessible only by light aircraft and/or boat; and
- public utility systems are not available; and
- there is no apparent competition for the site.
- A site located in a competitive market area will require a formal market value appraisal provided by the applicant.
- Rates effective March 15, 2024 through March 14, 2026.
Log Storage Report No. 2501-17
This schedule is used to charge annual rental fees for log storage sites on tide and submerged land. It was implemented to reduce administrative costs and time for negotiated leases under AS 38.050.070(b) that do not exceed ten years in duration.
Site Description:
A typical log storage site is located in a remote coastal area of Southcentral or Southeast Alaska. The logs are stored on tide and submerged land in marine bays near upland logging areas. The sites may vary from 1 to 260 acres where logs or log rafts are held in booms before shipping to market. Sites are accessible only by local logging road systems, boat, and/or float equipped aircraft. Public utility systems are not available.
Annual Lease Fees
The annual lease fee for log storage sites on tide and submerged land sites is as follows:
Size-acres | Annual Fee |
1-12 | $1,375 (min.) |
13-40 | $110/acre |
41-50 | $4,500 |
51-60 | $4,600 |
61-70 | $4,700 |
71-80 | $4,800 |
81-90 | $4,900 |
91-100 | $5,000 |
101-110 | $5,100 |
111-120 | $5,200 |
121-130 | $5,300 |
131-140 | $5,400 |
141-150 | $5,500 |
151-160 | $5,600 |
161-260 | $35/Acre |
*Round partial acres to next whole acre
Conditions and Limitations
The above lease fees are applicable to log storage sites only, and are subject to the conditions and limitations listed below:
- The site is located in a remote area; and
- must be accessible only by local logging roads, air, and/or boat; and
- public utility systems are not available; and
- there is no apparent competition for the site.
- A site located in a competitive market area will require a formal market value appraisal provided by the applicant.
- Rates effective March 15, 2024 through March 14, 2026.
Log Transfer Report No. 2502-16
This schedule is used to charge annual rental fees for log transfer sites on tide and submerged land. It was implemented to reduce administrative costs and time for leases issued under AS 38.050.070(b) not to exceed ten years in duration.
Site Description
A typical log transfer site may include both tide and submerged land. It may contain from 1 to 40 acres of surface area. The site is accessible by locally developed logging roads, boat or light aircraft. No public utilities are available. A log transfer tideland site is contiguous to the upland site it serves.
Annual Lease Fees
The annual rent for a log transfer site on tide and submerged lands is:
$1,250 for log transfer sites of 5 acres or less; and
$200 per each additional acre or fraction thereof for sites larger than 5 acres.
Conditions and Limitations
The above lease fees are applicable to log transfer sites only are subject to the conditions and limitations listed below:
- The site must be located in a remote area; and
- must be accessible only by local logging roads, air, and/or boat; and
- public utility systems are not available; and
- there is no apparent competition for the site.
- A site located in a competitive market area will require a formal market value appraisal provided by the applicant.
- Rates effective March 15, 2024 through March 14, 2026.