Attention Mining Customers:
You can now schedule appointments with the Recorder's Office outside of office hours for large volumes of documents to be recorded. Although an appointment is not required, if you have 100 or more documents to record, call and make an appointment today! Appointments can be made by calling the Recorder's Office in Anchorage at 907-269-8875 and in Fairbanks at 907-452-3521.
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filing Fees
29.516(a); A.S. 45.29.525; 11 AAC 05.010 (a)(15)
Recorded and/or filed documents and ALL information contained within those instruments become
the permanent public record and are available for public viewing and/or purchase.
Make checks payable to: Department of Natural Resources
A. Initial Financing Statements, except Fixture Statements*, per filing | $20.00 |
B. Amendment | 10.00 |
C. Assignment of secured interest | 10.00 |
D. Continuation | 10.00 |
E. Partial Release | 10.00 |
F. Termination | 10.00 |
G. UCC transmitting utility filing (UCC Central Only) | 50.00 |
H. Correction Statement | 10.00 |
I. Request for information (per name searched) | 15.00 |
J. Request for information with copies (per name searched) | 25.00 |
K. Individual copies (per document) | 2.00 |
L. Certification (per document)** | 5.00 |
* Fixture Statements are recorded documents. All types of amendments affecting
recorded UCC documents are also subject to the Recording Fee schedule.
Please see Recording Fees, New Financing
Statements (other than fixture statements) can ONLY be filed in UCC Central.
** Include certification fee with normal copy fee when ordering certified copies.
** Include certification fee with normal copy fee when ordering certified copies.