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Attention Mining Customers:

You can now schedule appointments with the Recorder's Office outside of office hours for large volumes of documents to be recorded. Although an appointment is not required, if you have 100 or more documents to record, call and make an appointment today! Appointments can be made by calling the Recorder's Office in Anchorage at 907-269-8875 and in Fairbanks at 907-452-3521.

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Central File

UCC Central Resources

UCC Central File
550 West 7th Ave., Suite 108A
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3564
Voice:   (907) 269-8873
Fax:   (907) 269-8945
The State Recorder's Office administers the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Central File.   The UCC Central File System maintains the public record of filed documents related to security interests in personal property.   The UCC Central File System Office maintains a statewide library and index of all transactions filed which create a security interest in personal property.   The UCC Central Index does not include a cross-reference of UCC's filed at the district level.   The statewide recording system consists of 34 separate recording districts serviced by a total of two separate offices located throughout Alaska.
Notice: Inactive UCCs (UCCs that are more than one year past their date of lapse) are purged from the database on an annual schedule.
NOTICE: UCC is now accepting attachments to Online Filings. Try it now at: UCC Online Filing
Recorded and/or filed documents and ALL information contained within those instruments become the permanent public record and are available for public viewing and/or purchase.