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Attention Mining Customers:

You can now schedule appointments with the Recorder's Office outside of office hours for large volumes of documents to be recorded. Although an appointment is not required, if you have 100 or more documents to record, call and make an appointment today! Appointments can be made by calling the Recorder's Office in Anchorage at 907-269-8875 and in Fairbanks at 907-452-3521.

Recorder's Office Frequently Asked Questions

Recorded and/or filed documents and ALL information contained within those instruments become the permanent public record and are available for public viewing and/or purchase.

Q: Why are documents recorded in the official records?
A: Documents are recorded in the Official Records of the State of Alaska to declare their enactment and existence. Individuals research the state records to identify property ownership, liens, and other recordings against real property. In general, from the time a document is recorded in the records of the recording district in which land affected by it is located, the recorded document serves as constructive notice of its contents to subsequent purchasers and mortgagees.
Q: What types of documents are recorded?
A: The following list indicates some of the various types of documents that are recorded in the official records of the state of Alaska:
Deeds, Mortgages, Assignments, Modifications, Reconveyances, Notice of Liens, Claim of Liens, Release of Liens, Uniform Commercial Code Financing Statements, Security Agreements, Judgments and Decrees from courts, Federal and State Tax Liens, Child Support Enforcement Liens, Satisfactions and Releases of such liens.
We also, from time to time receive Last Will and Testaments, Birth Certificates, Military Discharge papers (DD-214), Death Certificates and Marriage Licenses. However, we are not the normal and customary place for filing these records, if they meet minimum acceptance criteria, they will be accepted and placed in the public record (please see notice above).
Q: Is all this paperwork really necessary?
A: Unfortunately, yes. The purpose of recording is to register your right to your property with the State of Alaska so you can prove ownership. Although the process may seem tedious or excessive, it is the only way you can be sure no one else can make a claim to your land.
Q: How can I tell where to record?
A: Our Web site offers four methods of determining where to record:
  (1) A list of the 2 recording offices, with locations, maps and office hours.
  (2) A page to allow you to search for the correct recording office by typing in the name of your nearest city or community.
  (3) A list of the 2 recording offices, 34 recording districts and the cities and communities in each.
  (4) A map of the 34 recording districts with a clickable image map to allow you to find your recorder office.
Please go to the home page to begin. [Home Page]
Q: Do you provide blank forms for the public to use?
A: None of our recording offices provide blank forms of any kind. Certain types of blank forms including Liens, Deeds of Trust, Deeds, etc., may be found at office supply or stationery stores. Generically speaking, we are concerned only with reviewing submitted documents for minimum acceptance criteria in order to add them to the permanent public record.

For UCC forms Click Here
Q: Can I get help preparing a document at your office?
A: Recording staff are not qualified to provide advice on the preparation of legal documents. Document preparation questions should be directed to your legal counsel.