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Attention Mining Customers:

You can now schedule appointments with the Recorder's Office outside of office hours for large volumes of documents to be recorded. Although an appointment is not required, if you have 100 or more documents to record, call and make an appointment today! Appointments can be made by calling the Recorder's Office in Anchorage at 907-269-8875 and in Fairbanks at 907-452-3521.

e-Recording Information

Electronic recording delivery service is currently provided through Simplifile and CSC. The Simplifile and CSC portal is open to other e-Recording Providers. Annual fees, per document fees, and who may participate as a Submitter vary with each e-Recording Provider (any e-Recording fees are paid to the Provider and are in addition to State document fees).

Typically, if you are an individual submitting only a few documents annually, the service may not be available to you. Most Title Companies in Alaska are authorized Submitters and may be able to submit your document electronically for a fee. Check with your local title company to determine if this service is available.

Please note: DNR is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of non-DNR websites to which this department or its units may link. Such links do not imply an endorsement of that organization, site, product, or service.

Josh Holmes, Regional Sales Director
Phone: +1 (800) 460-5657 Ext 1034

CSC® eRecording
CSC provides a web-based eRecording solution that enables submitters to electronically record real estate documents in Alaska.
Phone: (866) 652-0111 Customer Support Team

eRecording Partners Network (ePN)
Richard Caban, Director, Technical Sales
Phone: (818) 294-3694