2013 Federal Overreach Summit - Meet the Presenters!
Steve C. Borell P.E. - Natural Resource Development

Steve Borell is a consulting engineer focused on encouraging investment in mineral projects in Alaska. From 1989 through 2011 he was the Executive Director of the Alaska Miners Association. The AMA is an industry support organization with more than 1400 members and represents all aspects of the mining industry before state and federal agencies, the State Legislature and U.S. Congress. He has more than 38 years of experience in mining exploration, construction and operations in coal, placer and hardrock metal mining in various western and mid-western states, Canada and South America. Before that he was a facilities management and construction officer in the United States Air Force with assignments in Texas, Minnesota and remote Alaska. He is a registered professional engineer in Alaska, Colorado and North Dakota.
Borell, S. (2000). Promises Broken. In J.P. Tangen (Ed.), "d(2) Part 2, Alaska Lands, Promises Broken"
To view Mr. Borell's Presentation CLICK HERE.
Jim Clark - Access and Infrastructure

Mr. Clark spoke about Alaska and the Forest Service Roadless Rule.
Review of Federal Tongass Forest Management Policy 1980-2013.
Senator Mark Begich - Perspectives from Washington

The Senator shared a Washington perspective on Alaska Federal overreach issues during the morning session, Tuesday, 8/13.
All of the preceedings, including Senator Begich's presentation, was streamed live on AKLeg.tv. This record has been archived at 360North/Gavel Alaska. To view the Senator's presentation follow this LINK.
Senator John Coghill - Commission Member and Moderator

Senator Coghill was appointed to the Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Areas by the Senate President in February 2013. He was elected to the Alaska State Senate in 2009 after spending over 10 years in the House, representing the consituents of North Pole. Senator Coghill currently holds the office of Republican Majority Leader.
Senator Coghill was an excellent Moderator during the course of the meeting as well as the Panel Discussion portion of the Summit on Tuesday, 8/13. Along with Representative Keller, Senator Coghill kept the summit on schedule and directed the conversation to meet our objectives, maximize the time available and keep the group on task.
Tina Cunning - ANILCA Implementation

As the former ANILCA Coordinator for the Alaska State Fish and Game Department, Ms. Cunning will bring her career of knowledge on the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act and fish and game management to provide a comprehensive summary of the key issues presented during the first part of the Summit. This will help lead the 'solutions' discussion at Round Table.
Ed Fogels, DNR Deputy Commissioner - Perspectives from Juneau

Ed Fogels is responsible for overseeing five divisions -- Agriculture, Forestry, Mining, Land & Water, Parks and Outdoor Recreation and Support Services � as well as the Office of Project Management and Permitting.
Fogels has worked in the Department for more than 24 years. Before being appointed Deputy Commissioner, Fogels served as the director of the Office of Project Management and Permitting and as the State's Mining Coordinator responsible for the permitting and administration of all large mining projects in Alaska. Prior to that, Fogels managed the Alaska Coal Regulatory Program and the Land Disposal and Homesteading programs. He spent several years as the Department's Resource Planner in the Fairbanks location.
To view Mr. Fogel's Presentation - CLICK HERE.
Michael Geraghty, Attorney General - Perspectives from Juneau

Mr. Geraghty is the Attorney General for the State of Alaska.
The Attorney General will be speaking on Monday, 8/12 at 8:45 a.m.
Sally Gibert - ANCSA and ANILCA

Ms. Gibert is retired from the State of Alaska as the former ANILCA Program Coordinator for Alaska State Department of Natural Resources from 1984 to 2011. Ms. Gibert presented on 'ANILCA Context, Key Provisions, and Implementation'.
ANILCA - 7 Consensus Points of 1979, displayed during the presentation.
To view Ms. Gibert's Biography, presentation outline and talking poiints CLICK HERE.
Charles Hawley - Natural Resource Development

Mr. Hawley from the Hawley Resources Group, Inc. will bring his expert knowledge in the field of natural resource development, specifically early statehood and d-2 years from a miner's perspective.
Alaska's Early Statehood and "d-2" Years: A Miner's Assessment of Land Issues"
Wayne Heimer - Fish and Wildlife Management Issues

Mr. Heimer has provided the followng information on his professional evolution in the field of of fish and wildlife management and ANILCA.
"For what it's worth, here's why people might want to pay some attention to what I have to say: Wayne Heimer was sucked into the ANILCA vortex because he was ADF&G's Dall sheep biologist when it all began to happen. ANILCA selections centered on the mountains where Dall sheep live. Wayne was involved because Alaska had a particular economic interest in maintaining as many Dall sheep for hunting as possible. Because of this background, Wayne was transferred to the ADF&G ANILCA team to establish legal standing (by showing harm to the state by federal overreach) when Governor Hickel originally sued the federal government over it in the early 1990s. Alaska easily established harm in the eyes of the court and the case went forward until withdrawn with prejudice by Governor Tony Knowles. In total, Wayne spent the five years from 1992 to 1997 totally immersed in ANILCA-related wildlife management issues, documenting case histories of federal overreach and analyzing the impact of federal regulations and their impacts on Alaskan wildlife management. For the last 16 years, Wayne has been an outside observer. Based on this experience, Wayne will suggest some specific alternate approaches to solving the federal overreach problem in Alaska." (by email 8/8/2013)
To review Mr. Heimer's presentation CLICK HERE.
William P. Horn - Perspectives From Washington

Mr. Horn is the former Assistant Secretary of the Interior. He shared a Washington perspective on Alaska Federal overreach issues
Representative Wes Keller - Commission Chairman

Representative Keller has been an active member of the Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Areas since 2007 and the Chairman since February 2011. Elected to the State House of Representatives in 2007, Representative Keller is a Republican from Wasilla, District 7.
Representative Keller, along with Senator Coghill, lead the meeting in a positive and proactive direction, ensuring the group met the goals and objectives set for the Summit and for Alaska.
Representative Keller's Official Alaska State House Website.
Meera Kohler - Access and Infrastructure

Ms. Kohler is the President and CEO of Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, a non-profit utility serving almost 8,000 consumers in 55 villages; home to more than 40% of Alaska's village population.
Meera has been a resident of Alaska since 1976 and in the electric utility business since 1979, almost entirely in rural Alaska. She has been the chief executive officer of three Alaskan utilities and has been at the helm of AVEC since 2000.
Meera has a bachelor's degree in economics and a Master's degree in Business Administration, both from the University of Delhi, India.
Ms. Kohler will provide a perspective on Federal regulations and policies affecting the industry.
To view Ms. Kohler's Presentation CLICK HERE.
Don Mitchell - ANCSA and ANILCA

Mr. Mitchell is an Attorney in Anchorage with a great deal of knowledge and experience with the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.
Kyle Moselle - Natural Resource Development

Mr. Moselle is a Large Project Coordinator with the Office of Project Management and Permitting with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. He resides in Juneau and as a member of the State Tongass Leadership Team, Mr. Moselle will be discussing issues related to the United States Forest Service, Alaska Timber Jobs Task Force and tRand the Roadless Rule.
To view Mr. Moselle's presentation outline and talking points CLICK HERE.
Alaska Timber Jobs Task Force Website, including Executive Order 238, Task Force Recommendations and Status Reports, with regular updates.
Senator Lisa Murkowski - Perspectives From Washinton

The Senator will be sharing a Washington perspective on Alaska Federal Overreach issues during the morning session, Tuesday, 8/13.
All of the preceedings, including Senator Murkowski's presentation, was streamed live online at Alaska Legislative TV. This record has been archived at 360North/Gavel Alaska. To view the Senator's presentation from Tuesday morning, August 13, follow this LINK.
Citations from Senator's presentation:
DeMarban, Alex. "Forest service drops prosecution of kiddie picnic after Murkowski intervenes." Alaska Dispatch 08/15/2013. Web.
Clayton, Kyle. "USFS Dismisses daycare operator's citation, fine." Wrangell Sentinel 22 08 2013, Volume. 111, No. 34, Print.
Dick Mylius - History & Background, Statehood Act, ANCSA and ANILCA

Mr. Mylius is the former Director of the Division of Mining Land and Water for the State of Alaska will be presenting on the history of land ownership in Alaska from Statehood to the present.
To view Mr. Mylius's presentation CLICK HERE.
Scott Ogan - Navigable Waters and RS2477

Scott Ogan is the manager of the Public Access Assertion and Defense Unit within DNR's Division of Mining, Land and Water. He has been in this position for over 6 years working to advance the State's efforts to assert and defend title and access rights. Preceding his service at DNR, Scott also served ten years in the Alaska Legislature, focusing primarily on natural resources and law. Throughout his career he has been passionate about State's rights.Mr. Ogan is a Natural Resource Manager II with the Public Access Assertion and Defense Unit, Department of Natural Resources for the State of Alaska.
Mr. Ogan will be speaking on issues related to Navigable Waters and Revised Statute 2477. To review Mr. Ogan's presentation CLICK HERE. (8.2 MB)
Brad Palach - Fish and Game Management Issues

Mr. Palach is with the Alaska State Department of Fish and Game, and presented on 'Current Fish and Wildlife Management Issues'
To view Mr. Palach's Presentation CLICK HERE.
To review Mr. Palach's Outline and Talking Points CLICK HERE.
Governor Sean Parnell - Perspectives from Juneau

The Governor joined the Summit from Juneau by teleconference on Monday morning.
To listen to a audio recording of Governor Parnell's presentation CLICK HERE.
Lisa Reimers - Natural Resource Development

Ms. Reimers is President/CEO of the Iliamna Development Corporation (IDC), which is a for profit certified 8(a) corporation in Alaska. IDC offers a broad range of services to federal and non-government entities, including: bulk fuel supply and delivery, freight and marine transport, facilities support services, road construction and land management, environmental remediation, food and housekeeping services. From employee leasing to managing projects from start to completion, IDC brings specialized and comprehensive services to our many clients. We manage small projects or multi-million dollar contracts with the same commitment to success.
To view Ms. Reimers presentation CLICK HERE.
Iliamna Development Corporation. "EPA's 404(c) within the Communities of Iliamna & Newhalen". www.vimeo.com, 2012. Web.
The native communities of Iliamna and Newhalen presented thier concerns and perspective on the potential negative impacts the Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment would have on their communities to visiting Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy and staff in August 2013. The EPA initiated the Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment under Section 404c of the Clean Water Act. There is consensus among the two communities that the EPA is selectively using it's authority under the Clean Water Act to conduct the assessment whereby creating additional regulatory burdens and lost economic opportunity in the absence of any mining permit application. To view this presentation CLICK HERE.
Environmental Protection Agency. "An Assessment of Potential Mining Impacts on Salmon Ecosystems of Bristol Bay, Alaska." Docket ID: EPA-HQ-ORD-2012-0276.." www.regulations.gov. Office of E-Government & Information Technology, US Federal Government, May 16, 2012. Web.
Randall Ruaro - Perspectives from Juneau

Mr. Ruaro is Special Counsel to the Governor of Alaska, and presented on the issues of federal overreach from a Juneau perspective.
To review Mr. Ruaro's remarks as delivered at the Summit CLICK HERE.
Ted Spraker - Fish and Wildlife Management Issues

Mr. Spraker is the Chairman of the Alaska Board of Game; he was appointed by Governor Murkowski in 2003 and has served as the Board's representative on the Big Game Commercial Services Board since 2004. Ted resides in Soldotna, Alaska. He completed his college education at the University of Wyoming earning a bachelor's degree in Wildlife Management and Master's in Range Management. Ted moved to Alaska in 1973. He is a career biologist, having worked briefly with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and for nearly 30 years with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Ted worked in Anchorage and Glenallen ultimately retiring as the Area Wildlife Biologist for the Kenai Peninsula. Ted is a member of the Alaska Trappers Association, Safari Club International, 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor and a lifetime member of NRA. He is an avid hunter, trapper and fisherman. Ted and wife Elaina have three adult children, they dedicate much of their time to youth firearm safety and educational hunting programs.
State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game, Board of Game Website
Ron Somerville - ANCSA and ANILCA

Mr. Somerville is an active member of the Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Areas since January 2011. He was appointed by the Speaker of the House to a public seat on the Commission.
Mr. Somerville spoke on ANILCA Compromises and Agreements.
To review Mr. Somerville's presentation CLICK HERE. (350 KB)
Appendix 1 - Alaska State Legislature. 2004. Conflicts Concerning Title To Submerged Lands In Alaska. (5.5MB)
Appendix 2 - Meacham, Thomas. "Federal-State Jurisdictional Ambiguities in H.R. 39." 18 Apr 1978. (.4 MB)
Appendix 3 - H.R. 39. "Major Fish and Wildlife Problem Areas". 5/31/1978. (3.7 MB)
Appendix 4 - Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Policy Administration Needed To Resolve Significant Issues Between State And Federal Subsistence Program. (1 MB)
Appendix 5 - CACFA Agency Issues - List of Agency Encroachments. (49 KB)
John Sturgeon - Navigable Waters and RS2477

Mr. Sturgeon discussed his personal experience as a hunting guide on the Charlie and Nation Rivers within Yukon Charlie National Park and Preserve, along with the background and current status of his litigation with National Park Service specific to navigable water issues.
Relavent supporting documents:.
"State Joins Lawsuit Defending Alaska Waters". State of Alaska Press Release, December 7, 2011, Juneau, Alaska.
Medred, Craig. "Alaska, Feds Again At Odds Over Yukon River Access." Alaska Dispatch. August 12, 2011: Web.
Intervention Memo in Support of the State of Alaska's Motion to Interevene, December 7, 2011.
J.P. Tangen - Natural Resource Development

J.P. Tangen is an Attorney at Law (P.C.) in Anchorage.
Mr. Tangen's presentation "Coming into the Country - Government and Mineral Exploration" (1 MB) is available for review and linked to the title text.
Congressman Don Young - Perspectives from Washington

Congressman Young will be sharing a Washington perspective on the Federal overreach issues in Alaska.
All of the preceedings, including Congressman Young's presentation, was streamed live online at Alaska Legislative TV (AKlegTV.com). This record has also been archived by 360North/Gavel Alaska. To view the Congressman's presentation from Tuesday morning, August 13, follow this LINK to Gavel Alaska.
"The Great Terrain Robbery", as published in the 'View from the Capitol Dome - 1980'. (Reprinted for distribution at the Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Areas, Federal Overreach Summit, August 12 & 13, 2013; in Anchorage Alaska)